“Sure, you know, if that’s what you want. I can make all of that.”

“And then what’s for dinner?”

“Um, meatloaf,” I said.

“Meatloaf?” He wrinkled his nose. “I’ve never really loved meatloaf.”

“Oh, well, you’ve never tried my mom’s recipe,” I said. “It’s absolutely scrumptious. If she could open a restaurant and sell only one thing, it would be her meatloaf. It would fly off the shelves.”

“Restaurants have shelves?” he said.

“You know what I mean, Finn.”

“Okay. Well, I’m excited to taste this delicious Campbell meatloaf recipe. It seems like your family is really into cooking that you have so many different recipes named after you.”

“Yeah, my family is absolutely amazing. We should most probably have our own restaurant in town. Maybe one day if we save enough money, we can do that.”

“Well, if it’s something you’re interested in and you have a business plan, we can always discuss. I’m always interested in investing in mom-and-pop businesses.”

I stared at him and swallowed hard. “No, no, no. Remember what you asked me? You said, ‘Are you trying to start a business?’ because you didn’t want to hire someone that only wanted this job because they wanted to get money out of you. And I certainly would not want you to think that I’m your housekeeper because I wanted you to fund my family’s restaurant, even though they would absolutely love it. But I cannot do that. It would go against my personal ethics,” I said quickly.

His eyes narrowed. “You are a funny one, aren’t you, Harriet?”

“If you say so.”

“You’re also a pretty cute one.”

“What?” I was surprised by his words as he took another step toward me.

“I said you’re cute. But I suppose you know that?”

I licked my lips nervously. “I guess so.”

“You also are a bit of a surprise.”

“Oh, why? Because I studied in France?”

“No, because I didn’t think girls your age were au naturel anymore.”

What was with this man. He was talking about my bush again. I was going to pretend I didn’t know what he was talking about. “Yeah, well,” I said. “Was there a particular uniform you wanted me to wear, Mr. Joseph?”

“Well, do you have any maid’s outfits?” he said. “You know, like a French maid’s outfit?”

“A French maid’s outfit?” I said, raising an eyebrow. Was that his way of telling me he wanted me to dress sexy? What was going on here? Was this position just a setup so he could find someone to have sex with him? And I walked into this ridiculous position thinking it was one thing when it was something else?

As I stood there, I didn’t know if that made me disgusted or ridiculously happy. He was annoying, but I wouldn’t mind being his sexual plaything for the summer, especially for a hundred and fifty grand. And he looked like the sort of man that would definitely give me some good sex. And a hundred and fifty thousand was almost too good to be true.

“Um, Harriet?”

“Yeah,” I said, blinking at him.

“I have a call to make, but you think about it. Okay?”

“Um, okay,” I said, nodding as he walked out of the room. “Shit,” I muttered.

Think about what? I completely spaced out. I had to stop doing that. I had no idea what he’d asked me. Had he asked me to dress in a French maid’s outfit? Had he asked me to allow him to spank me? Had he asked me to give him a lap dance? I had no clue. What if he just asked me to let him know when breakfast was ready? Oh, shit. I was in over my head and had definitely read too many sexy romance books because my mind was in the gutter. I didn’t even know if I had any reason for it to be. Did this man want more or did he not? Was I wishing that this was going to go somewhere else because it made it seem like the summer was going to be a lot more palatable than just cleaning and scrubbing floors?
