“We’ll have to talk about Paris sometime,” he said.

“It’s one of my favorite cities. I’d love to hear your favorite parts.”

“Oh, that would be absolutely delightful.Tres bien,” he said. “Now, let me put on some clothes.”

“Si, si,” I said, and he started laughing.

“Oh, you are funny, aren’t you?”

I had no idea, and then I realizedsiwas Spanish. “I meantoui, oui. Not to be confused with wee-wee like in the toilet.” I pressed my lips together. Why was I such a freaking idiot?

“You better get going on that eggs Benedict,” he said. “I’m hungry.”

“I know. I heard you the first time, Finn.”

“Are you always like that, Harriet?”

“Always like what?”

“Do you always talk back?”

“I didn’t realize I was talking back. I was just—”

“You were just being yourself, huh?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Sounds good,” I said.

As soon as he exited the kitchen, I grabbed my phone and looked up how to make eggs Benedict. “Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m in trouble,” I said, then I remembered what Polly had said. Call her or text her at any time if I need help. I texted her.

“Are you up?”

I knew she wouldn’t be up, but I knew my sister. She would have kept her notifications on and her volume up high. And my text would likely wake her up. Indeed, it had. She called me.

“Hey,” I said. “Morning.”

“What is it, Harriet?” she said, still groggy. “Is everything okay?”

“Hey, sis, I’m kind of in trouble.”

“Already? What time is it?”

“It’s five forty-five a.m.”

“Oh, why are you waking me up now, Harriet?”

“You said I could text or call at any time if I needed you.”

“Yeah, but why do you need me at five forty-five in the morning?”

“So guess who’s back?”

“Oh, no.” I could tell she was waking up because her voice was changing. “Your boss is back?”

“He’s back, and he wants me to make him breakfast.”