“What?” I gawked at him. “What are you talking about?”
“My breakfast is to be served at five thirty a.m. in my room.”
“Huh?” I looked at him, blinking fast.
“It’s five thirty, and you are my housekeeper. One of your duties is to make my breakfast.”
“You’re kidding me. Can you not make it yourself?”
“No. You’re my employee.”
“But you haven’t paid me anything yet. So.”
“Harriet Campbell, get out of bed.” And then he stepped forward, grabbed the sheets, and ripped them off the bed. His jaw dropped open, and it was only then that I remembered that I was naked.
I screamed. “Oh my God, what are you doing?” I jumped up and ran directly into the bathroom. “Get out. Finn, get out.”
“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t know that you slept naked.”
“Well, you shouldn’t just barge into my bedroom like that. I didn’t even think you were here. I was told that you were in Tampa and…”
“I was in Tampa yesterday, and I got back late last night. You remember that you were starting your job today.”
“Yeah, but Gladys wasn’t here and didn’t tell me my tasks and…”
“Benedict didn’t give you the list of chores?” he said. “I also emailed you some information.”
“I haven’t checked my email.” There was silence on the other side of the door. I stood in the bathroom feeling mortified.
He’d seen me naked.He had seen me naked. Everything. I wasn’t even shaved. I didn’t even remember the last time I’d had a Brazilian wax. Had he seen how much hair I’d had down there? Had he seen my breasts? Oh my God, had he seen my nipples? I didn’t know what to think or feel. I was so mortified. I was going to kill him, and then I was going to kill myself. And then I was going to leave, and then I was going to kill and haunt Benedict and Gladys because how could they have let this happen to me?
“Are you okay in there?” Finn knocked on the door.
“I’m fine. Why?”
“Because you’re mumbling something under your breath. And I’m not sure if you’re mumbling to me or if you’re mumbling to you.”
“Can you give me five minutes, Finn, so I can change? And I’ll come out and make your breakfast. Whatever you want, okay?”
“Okay, but you will remember for the future that you will be serving me breakfast at five thirty a.m.?”
“Sure. And what is it you would like? Scrambled eggs, eggs on toast?”
“This morning, I would like eggs Benedict, please.”
“Eggs who?” I asked. Was this man out of his mind? Did he think I could cook eggs Benedict? I didn’t even know how to make a hollandaise sauce, and I’d never poached an egg before.
“Yes, eggs Benedict. You have made it before, right?”
“Of course. What do you think I did almost every day at the Culinary Institute in gay Paris?”
“Do they really call it gay Paris in Paris?” he said, sounding like he was laughing at me.
“Whatever, Finn. Would you like me to make your breakfast or…”
“Yes, I would. I just wanted to make sure that we’re okay and you’re not upset. I did not realize you did not have on any clothes. I will remember that for next time.”
“What next time? You do not barge into my bedroom, Finn. That is not acceptable. Yes, I live here and yes, I work for you, but when I’m in my room, I’m on my own time.”