“Well, have a good evening, ma’am.”

“You, too, Benedict.” I watched as the sour butler left my room. I waited until his footsteps had disappeared, then I closed the door and grabbed my phone. I dialed Polly’s number.

“Hey, what’s going on? Everything okay?”

“Okay, okay? What is this okay that you talk about? Everything is absolutely amazing!” I practically screamed into the phone.

“Oh, don’t tell me you and hot Wall Street guy banged already. Shit, let me get Chelsea.”

“No wait, Polly. I—” But it was too late. She was already calling our sister on three-way.

Beep, beep.“Hey, we’re back.”

“Polly. You’ve got it wrong.”

“What’s going on? Are you there?” Chelsea said.

“Yes, and it’s really cool and—”

“Oh my God, you’ve totally done it, haven’t you?”

“Done what?” I asked her, confused.

“You banged your boss!”

“Ahem. I’m not even going to answer that. I really think you two are crazy and are spending too much time together because you keep asking me the same things. And you both need to get laid. No, I did not bang my boss.”

“But you said he was bangable.”

“I said he was hot, but he’s not even here right now. How perfect is that? He’s already out of town.”

“No frigging way,” Polly said. “So it really does sound like this job is going to be a piece of cake.”

“Yep. And guess what?”

“What?” Chelsea asked.

“I’m making a hundred fifty grand a year!”

“No way!” Polly said. “That’s more than Mom and Dad make combined!”

“I know! I’m going to be so rich!”

“We’re so going to see Beyoncé,” Chelsea said. “This is going to be so cool. I cannot wait. I need to look for outfits already.”

“Guys, when I start getting paychecks, then we can talk about Beyoncé tickets. Right now, I haven’t gotten anything, so I don’t even know how long this job is going to last. Especially because Benedict was acting like this was going to be my full-time career, and I’m just like, ‘Hey, I’m here for a couple of months.’”

“Or until you get your grant, right?”

“Yeah, but I can’t count on that,” I said.

“Well, don’t tell them anything,” Polly said. “There’s no way they’re going to want you to have that job if they know you can’t work on Fridays.”

“I know. Why do you think I didn’t mention it in the interview?” I said.

“Wait, what?” Chelsea said. “Is there something I missed here?”

Polly laughed. “Well, you know that Harriet applied for that art scholarship, right?”