“All your books are your favorite books,” she said, shaking her head. “And if you wanted delicate hands, then you should have hired someone.”

“With what money?” I rolled my eyes.

“Couldn’t you have asked your hot new boss for an advance?” Chelsea said.

I groaned. “Yeah, right. I cannot believe that I’m working for Finn Joseph, the number five—”

“Richest man in the United States of America,” Chelsea said, putting on a voice.

“What? That’s crazy how rich he is.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean he can be a jerk,” Polly said. “Didn’t you say that you didn’t want to sell out to the man?”

“Well, I’m not exactly selling out to the man.” I rolled my eyes. “I am going to be his housekeeper.”

“And, if you’re lucky, you’re going to make out with him,” Chelsea said.

“I’m not looking to make out with him.” I blushed. There was no way I was going to tell my sisters my secret fantasy about getting spanked and then fucked by Finn Joseph because I didn’t even want to admit it to myself.

That was the thing with fantasies. It was okay to daydream; it didn’t mean you actually wanted it to happen. I didn’t want to kiss Finn. Just because he had the most kissable lips didn’t mean I’d forgiven him for what had gone down at the coffee shop.

“So anyway, I’m on a trial basis,” I said. “Finn has a couple of weeks to decide whether or not I’m right for the job.”

“A couple of weeks?” Polly said. “But I thought you said you had only anticipated him being there for one week.”

“I did.” I chewed on my lower lip. “And I’m still anticipating that. I mean, this is Port Sunshine. Business deals don’t happen in Port Sunshine. Our Wi-Fi isn’t even that reliable. There’s no way he’s going to stay here for weeks at a time.”

“So you think he’s going to bounce?” Chelsea raised an eyebrow as she started packing up my art supplies. I must have had five hundred different watercolor paints, a couple hundred acrylics, and some oils. I loved painting, and it was why I was broke. I spent every spare penny I had on art supplies. I just needed to be able to start selling some, and I didn’t want to have to do cutesy portraits of tourists.

“Let’s just say that if I have my way, Finn Joseph is not going to stick around,” I said, winking at them.

“Harriet, what do you have planned?” Polly asked suspiciously.

“What do you mean?” I asked innocently. “What could I possibly have planned?”

Chelsea looked at me. “Come on, Harriet, we’re your sisters. We know when you’re up to something.”

“Well, let’s just say maybe a couple of cockroaches, some spiders, a snake, who knows, maybe a gator might show up at the new Joseph residence.”

“What?” Polly said, her jaw dropping. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m not going to do anything, but this is Port Sunshine, Florida. If you’re not down with the wildlife, you shouldn’t live here.”

“You’re going to try to scare him out of his residence?”

“No. Would I do that? But I may make him want to go back to the luxuries he has in his other homes,” I giggled.

“Oh my God, Harriet. That’s awful.”

“What? He has a gorgeous house, and I would love to live there, and I don’t even mind being the housekeeper, but I don’t want to live there with him, because he sucks.”

“But he’s your boss, and the only reason you got that job is because he needs a housekeeper. If he’s not there, will he need one?”

“Yeah. He needs someone to make sure that the pool guys are cleaning the pool properly,” I said, laughing. “Did I tell you that I ordered a new bikini online?”

“What? Why would you do that? You have no money, Harriet,” Polly chastised me again. “Stop spending it on stupidness.”

“It’s not stupid. He literally has a huge pool, and he is, like, a minute walk to the beach. I’m so going to get my tan on. I’m going to be looking like a golden goddess by the end of this summer, and I’m going to be rich, too. If I play my cards right, I might even get us tickets to the Beyoncé concert.”