“No. I mean, if you really think that’s something you can do and you would enjoy it…”

“Let’s be real, most of these rich folks don’t stay long in Port Sunshine. They come for a week and then go. I bet I’ll be able to swim in their pool and go to the ocean and do whatever I want to do for most of the time.”

“That’s true,” she said. “All the richies don’t stay in Port Sunshine long. Well, good luck tomorrow.”

“Thanks, girl. And don’t worry. I don’t blame you.” I hung up the phone and looked at my sisters. “Arrghhh. Guys, I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be,” Polly said. “You got this, girl. I bet you you’re going to get the job.”


Checking Account Balance: $150 (Why is gas so expensive?)

Savings Account Balance: $10

Boyfriend Count: $0

I took a deep breath as I pulled up the long driveway to the very elegant-looking beach house. It was almost like a mansion. I was shocked. I’d driven by some fancy houses in Port Sunshine before, but I’d never seen one quite like this. Whoever lived here was rich-rich. I took a deep breath and looked at my reflection in the rearview mirror. I didn’t even recognize myself. I was wearing purple lipstick. My hair was in a bun, and my white shirt was crisp and ironed. I looked down at my long gray skirt and took a deep breath as I got out of the car and walked toward the front door.

I rang the doorbell and only waited two seconds before a tall man in a formal suit opened the door. “Good afternoon,” he said. I looked at him in surprise, as it was morning.

“Good morning,” I said, gazing at him with a half-smile. He stared at me blankly for a few seconds and then checked his watch.

“Indeed, it is. Good morning.”

”I am here for the interview.”

“I see. Does Gladys know you’ll be here?”

“If she’s the lady I spoke to on the phone. She said she was the current housekeeper and she was leaving.”

“Oh, yes. We’ll be very sad to have her gone, but when the new owner purchased the property, she said that she didn’t want to work any longer.”

“Oh, okay.”

“My name is Benedict, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Benedict.”

“I’m the butler.”

“Oh, cool.”

“And the chauffeur.”

“Oh, wow.”

“And the gardener.”

“Oh, you do a lot.”

“Yes, I do. And if you get the housekeeper job, you’ll be doing a lot as well.”


“Well, the cooking and the cleaning and the hosting.”

“I see.”