“What if I told you I wanted to have sex on the bus?”

“Just tell me what time and what bus, and I’ll be there.”

“What if I told you I wanted to have sex on the beach?”

“In the ocean or on the sand?”

“On the sand,” I said.

“Hey, sounds fun, though maybe a little sandy.” He winked at me.

“What if I said I wanted it in the ocean?”

“Kinky,” he said. “Hopefully, there are no jellyfish around.”

“What if I said I want to have sex in the park on a swing?”

“Well, I’d be down to that, but maybe in the evening.”

“Why in the evening?”

“Because I don’t want to get arrested for indecent exposure at the park if there are little kids there.”

“Okay, that makes sense,” I said, nodding. “You literally would have sex anywhere?”

“With you, yeah,” he said, smiling.

“Oh, you’re telling me you wouldn’t do it with someone else?”

He shook his head. “You’re the only one I want to sleep with, Harriet. You’re the only one whose body I want to touch.” He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “You’re the only one I want to hold close. You’re the one I want to wake up to in the morning. You’re the one that I love.”

“I thought you said you were falling in love with me, not that you were in love with me.”

“It’s the same thing,” he said, whispering in my ear. “I love you, Harriet. I wouldn’t have gone through all this if I didn’t.”


“I know you might think it’s hard to believe, but I think I fell in love with you the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

“So, what? Love at first sight?”

“You most probably don’t believe in that, but I’m a romantic. I do.”

“I do not believe that you believe in love at first sight, Finn Joseph.”

“Okay. If I’m honest, I didn’t use to believe in love at first sight, but that was until I met you.”

“You are really trying to suck up to me now, aren’t you?”

“No, but I am hoping to get on your good side. I am hoping that one of these days I can make you fall in love with me, too.”

I let out a deep sigh and then turned toward him. “I do love you, Finn, or I wouldn’t be here.”

He grinned. His eyes sparkled as he stared down at my lips. “Is that true?”

“Yes, it’s true. What are you doing?” I said as he lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he carried me to the front door.

“I’m holding my girl.”