“Now, now, Harriet,” my father said. “It’s not a stupid cologne. It’s a man attractor.”

“You mean a woman attractor, Dad,” Chelsea said.

He chuckled slightly. “Yes, yes, a woman attractor. I’m working on a man attractor as well.”

“You should work on a man repellent,” Polly said, and I nodded.

“How could you do this to me, Finn? You have just lied to me over and over again.”

“I needed to see if it worked,” he said. “I needed to see if…”

“If what?”

“If you would be attracted to me no matter how much of a jerk I was.”

“Well, I’ll have you know that even though you were a jerk in the coffee shop, I was still attracted to you, and that had nothing to do with the cologne.”

“Now, now, Harriet. Now, now.” My mother came over to me and guided me by the arm. “Let’s go and grab some food.”

“What, Mom? You don’t want me to talk anymore? Maybe it wasn’t Dad’s cologne that attracted me to this jerk. Maybe it was the fact that he’s a good-looking guy, and I haven’t dated in a while. We kissed, and it was fun. He added some spice to my life in this boring little town of Port Sunshine. Maybe that’s what happened.” I stared at Finn. “I thought you were like this fun, adventurous, sexy man that just like to engage in crazy stunts, but none of it was real. All of this was just about money.”

“It wasn’t just about money,” he said, shaking his head. “I knew there was more to it than just the cologne.”

“Yeah, okay, sure.”

“That’s why I had Benedict do the test,” he said.

“Oh my gosh, that’s why you sent him to my room the other night?”

“I had him wear the cologne again today.”

“Okay, and?”

He looked over at Molly. “Molly, can you attest to the fact that you were attracted to Benedict this afternoon when he arrived?”

She nodded slowly. “Yeah. I just felt this animal magnetism toward him. He…” She bit down on her lower lip. “This is going to sound really weird, but he kind of turned me on.”

My eyes widened.

My dad cackled gleefully. “It’s the pheromones. Once you know exactly what you’re doing, it’s easy. Any woman can fall for you.”

“Dad, really?”

He looked at me, surprise on his face. “But darling, you can’t be upset. He’s going to give us five million dollars.”

“five million!”

Pollyanna’s jaw dropped. She looked over at Chelsea, and they started jumping up and down.

“We’re rich. We’re rich. We’re rich. We’re rich. We’re rich,” they started screaming over and over again.

I glared at them. Molly looked lethal as well. “I want to scream I’m rich, too, but I’m not technically a part of the family. So I guess I’m not really rich.”

“Don’t worry,” Polly said, linking her arms. “We’ll invest in a film that you want to make.”

“Well, I don’t know about all that,” my mother said quickly. “The money is going to pay off the house and then pay off your school loan, Harriet. And then pay for college for you, Polly, and for you, Chelsea. Then we’ll put some in a trust for when you all get married so you’ll have something to buy your own houses with. And—”

“Mom, that doesn’t make me feel better. Finn, I never want to see you again. You lied to me. You used me.”