“Yeah, well.” I wrinkled my nose. “Maybe not today.”

“Maybe not today, what?” Chelsea asked as she came upon us. Her mouth was covered with chocolate ice cream. She was the messiest eater.

“I was just saying it might be nice for us all to go and visit your parents,” Finn said.

“Oh yeah, that would be cool. We could take them for more ice cream.” Chelsea nodded. “Polly!” she called out. “Is Dad into strawberry or mint chocolate chip right now?”

“Ice cream?”

“Yeah, ice cream.”

“Oh, he’s into mint chocolate chip.”

“Okay. We can get him some mint chocolate chip and our mother always eats vanilla.”

“Okay then, so I guess that’s that.”

“What’s that?” Molly asked as she walked over with Polly.

“We’re going to go to Mom and Dad’s to take them for ice cream,” Chelsea said. “You’re welcome to come with.”

“Oh, cool. I love your parents.” She paused. “But are they okay? I heard they might be getting a divorce.”

“Eh, they’re always getting a divorce.” Chelsea shrugged. “I am not going to worry about it until someone actually files paperwork.”

Finn looked over at me and smirked. “So I guess I’m going to meet your parents.”

“Against my wishes,” I said.

“Why do you care?”

“What if I asked to meet your parents? Wouldn’t you think that was weird?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t have any parents.”

“What do you mean, you don’t have any parents?” I stared at him in confusion. “Of course, you have parents, unless you’re an alien from outer space.”

“I’m not an alien from outer space. My parents died when I was young.”

“Oh,” I said, my heart dropping. “I’m so sorry. I had no clue.”

“That’s okay. You weren’t to know.” He shook his head.

“But you have siblings, right?”

“No, I’m an only child.”

“Oh.” I frowned. I could have sworn I thought he said he had siblings, but maybe I misunderstood something. “That must have been really lonely growing up.”

“It allowed me to focus on my education,” he said.

“Yeah, and I guess becoming a professor, huh?”

He stared at me for a few seconds, like he wasn’t sure what I was referring to. “Yes, and becoming a professor. So are there any other rides you guys want to go on before we head over to your parents’?”

“I don’t know,” Chelsea said, looking at me. “Harriet, are there any other rides you want to get laid on?”

“Oh my God, Chelsea.”