“Okay, so we banged, and I don’t even think you know anything else about my sisters or Molly.”

“I know Molly wants to be an actress. I know she’s worked at Charlotte’s coffee shop for a little over a year. I know that she and Delilah are—”

“Wait, hold up a minute,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “How do you know all that about Molly?”

He paused and then shrugged. “I make it my business to know,” he said.

“Why? Just… that’s weird. I didn’t even know how long Molly had worked at the coffee shop.”

“But you worked with her.” He sounded confused.

“Yeah, but it’s not like I was keeping track of how long she was working there.”

“I mean, come on, Harriet. Do we really have to talk about Molly? I’d rather talk about us.”

“What about us?”

“I thought that perhaps I could cook dinner for you.”

“You’re going to cook dinner for me?”

“Yeah,” he said. “I gave Benedict the evening off.”

“I’m glad to hear that, because I’m very embarrassed to look him in the eyes again after what went down.”

“I told you why he was doing that, too.”

“I know why he was doing it then, so that I could get into your bed, but that’s still kind of creepy.”

“If you say so,” he said, smiling. “But what about I cook you dinner tonight? Some steaks on the grill and maybe you can make a potato salad.” He paused. “You can make a potato salad, right?”

“I mean, I can pick up a potato salad at Publix.”

He shook his head. “I thought you said you were going to try, Harriet.”

“What, now I need to make potato salad?”

“Well, it’s not that hard, and if you really do want to learn how to cook…”

“I never said I wanted to learn how to cook, to be honest. I just said I wanted this job. And fine,” I said, “I’ll look up a recipe and try to make it, but if it doesn’t taste good, it’s not going to be my fault.”

“Practice makes perfect.” He smiled.

“Uh-huh, you would say that.”

“Yeah, I would,” he said, grinning.

We’d made it over to the ice cream stalls, and his phone started ringing again. He sighed.

“Let me get that.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

“Yes, what is it?” He sounded annoyed as he spoke into the phone, and I wondered who he was talking to. I was going to try to eavesdrop on the conversation when I saw Molly, Polly, and Chelsea heading over to us.

“Hey, girl, how was the spooky house?” Molly said as they stopped in front of me.

“It was fun.”