“Well, let’s go right,” he said, and as soon as we started going right, I heard someone screaming in the distance.

“Oh my God, why did I agree to come into this haunted house with you?” I said. We were in the pitch-black again. I could hear the sounds of something rattling in the wall. “What the fuck is that?” I said.

“I don’t know,” he said. “But we may soon find out.”

I shuffled along next to him. My heart was racing. I was so scared because I didn’t know what was going to come out, and I hated being in the dark. I was the sort of person that still had a nightlight.

We inched forward a little again, and then suddenly, he stopped. “What is it?” I said, my heart racing.

“Nothing,” he said as he pushed me against the wall.

“Finn,” I said, my hands dropping to his. “What are you doing?”

“It’s pitch-black,” he said, his lips pressed against my cheek.

“And? So?”

“You said we could fuck where no one could see us.”

I gasped at his comment. “Finn, we’re in the middle of a haunted house. There are people walking through. We…”

“No one can see us,” he cut me off and then pressed his lips against mine. He was correct, of course; no one could see us. But still, it was creepy. What if people came down here? What if they walked past us or somehow did see us? What if they had a flashlight? What if…

“Finn,” I moaned as I pushed him back lightly. His hands moved down and pulled my skirt up. “Finn,” I said as he slipped his fingers into my panties and rubbed my clit.

“Yes,” he said hoarsely, kissing me, his tongue slipping into my mouth. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing him back. I was horny as hell as well. He groaned, and I felt him slipping my panties to the side.

“Oh my gosh,” I moaned as he reached down and lifted me up so that my feet were just off the ground. “Finn,” I muttered against his lips as I felt his fingers move down his body and heard him unzipping himself.

“Shh,” he said as he pressed his lips against mine. I felt him tugging on my top, his hand slipping inside, squeezing my breasts. And then I felt his cock at my entrance, rubbing, slowly teasing me.

I moaned, and then he grabbed my hips and thrust up inside of me. I cried out as I felt him filling me up. “Oh fuck,” I said, my fingernails digging into his arms as he continued his assault on my pussy, his lips still pressed against mine as my back moved up and down against the wall. He was thick and hard, and I couldn’t believe we were having sex for the first time in a haunted house.

“Oh fuck, you feel so tight and wet. Oh fuck, Harriet. Oh,” he said as he thrust harder and faster. My body shook as he continued to fill me, and then we heard noises. I gasped. “Shh,” he said, pressing his fingers against my lips.

“Oh my God, this is so scary,” a female voice I didn’t recognize sounded.

“It’s going to be okay, Hannah. Don’t worry about it,” another female voice said.

“Samantha, you can say that because you don’t get scared of anything, but…”

“There’s not, like, a real ghost in here, and it’s not like Jack the Ripper or anything.”

“Did you hear that noise?” the other girl said.

“I’m not hearing anything. Come on.”

They walked past us. I could hear Finn breathing into my ear as his body pressed against mine and pushed me into the wall.

“Oh my God, what was that noise?” one of the girls said.

“I don’t know,” the other one said, and they stilled. And then Finn started moving inside of me again.

“Oh my God,” I mumbled, close to orgasm. He grabbed my hips and thrust into me—hard.

“What the fuck was that?” one of the girls said.

“I don’t know, but let’s go.” They went running and screaming, and they hit Finn in the shoulder.