Checking Account Balance: $75

Savings Account Balance: $10

Boyfriend Count: I’ll be a tenth wife.

“So that was fun,” Finn said as we got off the ride.

“It was okay,” I said, giving him a look.

“What?” he said innocently.

“You know what. I can’t believe that you just tried to make love to me on a Ferris wheel, in an amusement park in front of everyone. My sisters were right there.”

“Your sisters wouldn’t have been able to see anything. Plus that was part of the fun.”

“What, that people would see us?”

“No, because no one was actually going to see us, but it was kind of sexy to be in a public place, right?”

“Really, Finn? You wanted our first time to be in a public place?”

“You can’t tell me you weren’t turned on.”


“That was so cool,” Chelsea said as she came running over to us. Polly and Molly were walking behind. “Did you guys have fun?” Chelsea asked me and Finn.

“Yeah, it was cool,” I said.

“That was so lame,” Molly said. “It went so slow. Like, a hamster runs in a Ferris wheel faster than that wheel was going ’round.”

“I’m sorry it wasn’t as exciting as you would’ve hoped, Molly,” Finn said dryly, and she beamed at him.

“Oh, it’s not your fault, Finn. It’s not like you own this amusement park. Or are you going to buy it? ’Cause if you’re going to buy it, I have some suggestions on how you can make it better.”

“I’m not going to buy it,” he said, shaking his head. His eyes were dancing with laughter as he looked over at me. “You want to go in a haunted house?”

“A haunted house?” I wrinkled my nose. “I don’t love haunted stuff.”

“Harriet is scared of horror movies and ghosts and all those things,” Chelsea said.

“Thanks for sharing my personal information, Chelsea.”

“What? It’s not like I told him you got your period when you were twelve years old.”


“What?” she said, laughing.

“Just wait. When you start dating someone, I’m going to tell them all your personal information.”

“Oh, so you guys are dating?” Everyone’s eyes looked at Finn and me. Finn looked over at me.

“Yeah, Harriet, so are we dating?”

“I don’t know. Is it possible to date your boss?”

“I think so,” Finn said with a grin.