I nodded. “Yep. You did ask me to invite my sisters and my friends.”

“I did,” he said. “Perhaps that was a mistake.”

I laughed. “Maybe.” I looked at the Ferris wheel. “Ooh, shall we go on the Ferris wheel first?”

“Sounds good to me,” Polly said. “But there’s five of us, and we can only go two people in a seat.”

“I’ll go by myself,” Chelsea said. “It’s fine. Polly and Molly, you can go together.”

Polly looked at her. “I can go with you, Chelsea. I’m sure Molly wouldn’t mind being by herself.”

“Oh no, I cannot be by myself,” Molly said. “Imagine if something happens. Imagine.”

“Fine,” Chelsea said. “I’ll go with Molly, and you can go by yourself, Polly.”

“Sounds like a plan.” She grinned. “Plus, Lydia might be coming.”

“Who’s Lydia?” Finn looked at me, confused.

“Oh, Lydia is Polly’s best friend.”

“Oh, okay. Cool.” He nodded. “I thought the three of you were best friends.”

“Oh, we’re sisters and we’re best friends, but we have other best friends,” I said. “Do you not have siblings?”

“I do,” he nodded, “but they’re not here, so they won’t be going with us to the fun fair.”

“No, I didn’t mean to ask that. I meant to say if you have siblings, you know that they’re automatically your best friends, but you still have best friends from school that are your age.”

“Oh, I see. So your best friend is Lydia?” He looked at Polly.

“Yeah. She’s awesome. We’ve been best friends since we were three. But I think she might be bringing you-know-who.” She rolled her eyes.

“No, I don’t know who,” Chelsea said. “But I’m hoping you’ll tell us.”

Polly let out a long sigh. “She might be bringing David.”

“David is Lydia’s older brother,” I explained to Finn before he asked. “He is a bit of an arrogant, pompous asshole.”

“So something like me, then,” Finn said, and I laughed. Finn really did have a good sense of humor. I loved how he could be so self-deprecating.

“We’re up!” Molly clapped with glee as we reached the line.

“Are you sure that you want to do this?” Finn whispered in my ear, and I turned to him in surprise.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Why, are you scared of the Ferris wheel?”

“No.” He shook his head. “But I was thinking it would be the last thing we did today.”

“The last thing we did today?” I was confused. “Why?”

“Because I have something special planned for the Ferris wheel.” He grinned.

“Something special?”

“Yeah,” he said.
