“Well, I was wondering,” he said, pausing. “Would you be willing to…”

“To what?” I asked him. “Do you need me to make you some tea or something?”

“No, no.” He rubbed his right shoulder. “I was hoping you’d give me a massage.”

“A massage?” I questioned, unsure if I heard him correctly, and he smiled.

“You know, a back massage.”

“Oh. Well, it’s late, and I’m already in bed.”

“I don’t mind. I could come and sit on your bed,” he said as he walked over and stopped in front of me. There was a glint in his eyes as he stared down at me, and my jaw dropped. Was this man flirting with me? He had to be in his sixties. This was a joke, right?

“Benedict, I’m not really sure what you are suggesting here, but…”

“But what?” he said. “I’d just like a massage. And if your hands and fingers happen to move a little bit lower,” he shrugged, “I wouldn’t complain. It’s been a number of years for me, you see?”

My jaw dropped. “What?”

“I don’t like to be crass, ma’am, but if you’re giving them away…”

“If I’m giving what away?”

“Well, I couldn’t help but notice that this morning, sir got a lap dance and then he got some other delicacies.” He smiled at me. “And don’t worry, I can be discrete. I just would love a release. Just because I’m slightly older doesn’t mean I don’t have needs. And, I mean, you’ve seen Dick Van Dyke. He’s a hundred, and he’s still getting some. His wife must be fifty. See? Their age difference is the same as ours.” I had no words. I didn’t know what to say. I jumped out of the bed and went running past him. “Harriet,” he said. I stopped at the door and turned back to look at him. “Miss Campbell, I hope I didn’t upset you. I figured what did I have to lose by asking?”

“I can’t believe this,” I said as I ran out of the room and down the corridor toward Finn’s room. I knew I shouldn’t go to his room, but I couldn’t stay there. I pushed open his door and walked in. He was sitting on his bed, looking at something on his phone. His eyes widened as I ran in.

“Harriet, is everything okay?” He sat up, and I swallowed hard as I noticed he only wore a pair of silky black boxers.

“Benedict came into the room and propositioned me,” I said, shaking my head in disgust. “I feel absolutely sick. I can’t stay there. I can’t. That’s absolutely gross.”

“What do you mean, he propositioned you?” Finn walked over to me with narrowed eyes.

“He asked for a massage, and then he said if I wanted to suck his cock like I sucked yours, he wouldn’t be opposed.”

“He said you could suck his cock.” Finn looked surprised.

“Well, he didn’t use those words, but that’s what he meant.”

“I see.” He rubbed my shoulders. “And I suppose that you think I put him up to it to test you to see if you would cheat?”

“No.” I blinked at him and then took a step back. I hadn’t thought that at all until just now. “But did you?”

“Certainly not,” he said. “I would do no such thing.”

“Yeah, why would you? And what do you mean cheat? It’s not like we’re dating.”

“True,” he said, “but we do have some chemistry.”

“I don’t understand. You were just going on about sexual harassment and…”

“That was a joke because your sister Polly mentioned to me that if I let anything in our relationship go any further, it would be cause for sexual harassment and that you could sue me.”

“What? When did she say that?”

“When I escorted them out at the end of the evening,” he said. “So I thought it would be funny to make that little quip to you. Obviously, I still want to see where this is going to go,” he said, licking his lips. He stared at me in my flimsy nightgown and smiled. “Would you like to stay here tonight?”

“No. I just…” I bit down on my lower lip. “I mean, I don’t want to intrude.”