“True.” I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. “I think pretty much every woman in the Western Hemisphere would be a skank for him.”
“He’s fine,” Molly said.
“Yes, he is.”
“So what did you want to ask me?”
“Obviously, he and I have chemistry, and we’ve messed around a little, but he’s still my boss. And he made this comment to me about how he wants to keep things professional, but now he’s gone and left a vibrator on my bed that he wants me to wear tomorrow. And I’m just confused and conflicted as to what to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he’s telling me one thing, but doing something else. Plus, I like this job. I mean, I don’t like this job in that I want to be a housekeeper, but I like that it pays well and that he might be flexible because I told him I’m a grad student and he didn’t complain. And you know I applied for that grant, so I might not be able to work on Fridays. And, well, let’s just say I want to keep this job for now, and I don’t want to make things complicated. Which, if I fuck him, could make it complicated.”
“Oh, yeah? Why would it make it complicated?” She gasped. “Oh my God. You said you weren’t on the pill when we talked about it a while back. You need to get on the pill.”
“Huh?” I said. “What are you talking about?”
“Well, if you’re going to fuck him, you don’t want to get pregnant. That would make shit real complicated. But then again, maybe you do want to get pregnant. Imagine having a billionaire as your baby daddy. Shit, the child support alone would be more money than you’ve made in a year, maybe for the month.”
“Do you hear yourself, Molly? I’m not going to get pregnant for this man. I don’t even know him. Sometimes, I really wonder about you.”
“What? I’m just saying. If I don’t make it as an actress in Hollywood, second-best option would be to get pregnant for an A-list star.”
“Why, so you could make it via his connections?”
“No, so that I can live the life of luxury, of course. Duh.”
“Well, that’s not why I’m here with Finn.”
“Ooh, you’re calling him Finn. Hello, Finn. Sexy Finn. Can I suck your eleven-inch cock, Finn?”
“What?” she said. “I’m just saying. That sounds sexy. Shit, maybe I should be a screenwriter. Should I write a play about a woman that works in a coffee shop, and then she meets this really gorgeous guy? And they absolutely hate each other, but then she finds out he has an eleven-inch cock, and she falls for him and becomes his maid and wears these little cute outfits and—”
“Molly, was it a mistake telling you this information?”
“No, but I’m just saying. I may have just written next year’s Oscar-winning screenplay.”
“Do you really think a movie about a man with an eleven-inch cock is going to win an Oscar? More like a porno award.”
“Hey, just because it’s sexy doesn’t mean it’s not high art.”
“Uh-huh. Anyway, my question for you is, should I wear the vibrator that he left on my bed tomorrow, or should I…” There was a knock on the door, and I froze. “Oh, fuck. Someone’s here.”
“Is it him?” she asked.
“Let me call you back. Okay?” I hung up quickly. I felt bad, but I was done with the conversation with Molly. I was the stupid one for even considering that she would have any good advice. And now, I knew she was going to go and tell Delilah and possibly Charlotte that I was fucking the man that got me fired. Because I knew Molly. She exaggerated everything, and she’d most probably say he had a thirteen-inch cock and that I had to go to the hospital because he impaled me or some crap.
The knock came on my door again. “Come in,” I said as I sat up, covering myself with the sheets and fluffing my hair back quickly. But it wasn’t Finn who walked in. It was Benedict.
“Good evening, ma’am.”
“Oh, hi.” I was surprised to see him as I hadn’t seen him all day. “Can I help you? It’s late.”
“Well, I was just coming to see how your first day went.”
“Fine, thanks,” I said, nodding. “But I’m about to go to bed now and…”