“Where are they?” a deep voice sounded. Antonio rushed forward, and I could hear shooting around us.

“Get down, you stupid fucking idiot. Do you want to fucking die today, Antonio?”

I didn’t recognize the voice. It certainly wasn’t Jimmy, but Antonio had a lot of guys working for him. Most of them I’d never met before in my life. Maybe it was one of them.

“Who are you?” Antonio said, jumping up.

“I will fuck you up.”

“I don’t think so.”

Two men rushed into the room and grabbed me. I started screaming. “Stop! Please, no!” Before I knew what was happening, a piece of silk was tied around my mouth. I couldn’t speak, then my eyes were covered again, and I was blind. I let out a muffled, “Help.” I tried to scream, but nothing would happen. I felt two arms around me, holding me back, and then lips pressed to my ear.

“You shut up, little girl, or I will fuck you up right in front of Mr. Wolf. But maybe you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he said and chuckled. I wanted to cry, but I was in shock. The man moved away, grabbed me by the upper arm, and dragged me out of the room. “Come on, bitch,” he said.

I tried to kick and punch, but he was far too strong for me to do anything. I didn’t know what was happening, but this was no longer fun or funny, not that any of it had been. The guy eventually picked me up and carried me as if I were light as a feather. I wasn’t sure how long he walked for, but then we were outside. I knew it because I could hear birds chirping, and I could hear the sound of a highway and cars going past. A car door opened, and he threw me unceremoniously into the back. I knew that I was going to be black and blue in the morning. The car door slammed behind me, and he must have jumped in because it went speeding off down the road.

I was by myself. Antonio was no longer with me. I was going on to the next stage. This was the third kidnapping. I didn’t know why Antonio was torturing me like this when he kissed me. I just thought it was real. I was more stupid than I’d ever imagined. I didn’t think that Antonio would keep escalating it. I didn’t understand why he would do that to me. I did realize that I was a fool for thinking that I could play the player, that I could get what I wanted from him, what I needed from him, without him having any inkling. He was way smarter than me. He was darker than me. He was harder than me. He knew how to torture me, and that was what he was doing.

I must have fallen asleep because when I awoke, it felt like we were going down into the woods. The van or the car, whatever I was in, was bumping up and down a trail, and I had no idea where we were. The van stopped suddenly, and I could hear voices. The doors opened.

“Where is she?” a deep voice sounded. I couldn’t tell if it was the guy from the room or someone else. I tried not to make a sound. I wanted them to think I was still sleeping or unconscious or something. I lay there, my body a dead weight as I tried to pretend I was out of it.

“Help me. She’s out of it,” one of the voices said.

“Okay,” another voice sounded, and I felt my body being lifted. They carried me about fifty yards, and then I heard a door opening. This time, whoever held me laid me down more gently on the bed. “Let’s go. We got to check on the other room.”


They headed out of the door, and then I heard the door slam and several bolts sliding into place. Wherever I was, it was going to be very hard for me to get out of here. I just lay there in case they were coming back. I must have counted to ten thousand before I finally decided to pull off my blindfold and the cloth around my mouth. I wanted to scream so badly. I wanted to cry for help, but I didn’t want to alert anyone to the fact that I was awake.

I looked around the room. I could see there was a light on, a lamp. I felt weird. The decor looked like it was from the 1970s. I was in a small single bed next to a log wall. There was a rocking chair in one corner and a small wooden table beside it. There was a little kitchen with a white fridge, a white oven, and some old pots and pans sitting on it. I could see some plastic bags and a cutting board sitting on the table. I got up slowly and walked softly across the floor just in case it creaked. There were slabs of meat on the board, all sorts of different cuts of meat that I didn’t recognize. I could feel myself shivering as I looked around. I was scared. I was really, really scared, and I was nervous because I had no idea how I was going to get out of there.

“Antonio, please don’t do this to me,” I mumbled. “You win, okay? You win. I don’t want to be here.” I wanted to cry, but I knew I had to be strong. I had to think of how to get myself through this. I didn’t know what was going to happen next, and I didn’t know when Antonio was going to come to save me or do whatever he was going to do. I just knew that I was in over my head. I knew that I had played with fire, and I’d gotten burned. This wasn’t a joke. This wasn’t some TV show where the detectives found you at the end of an hour episode. I was screwed. And if I didn’t figure something out, I had a feeling I would be here for a very long time. And that was the stuff of nightmares because I didn’t want to be here for even another hour.

I looked around to see if I could see any windows or doors. There was the front door, but I already knew they’d locked that, and I didn’t want to try opening it in case that alerted them to the fact that I was trying to get out. Then, I saw a small door to my right that I hadn’t noticed before, and I crept over to it and took a deep breath. I was going to try opening it. I had no idea what was on the other side. I had no idea what awaited me, but I knew I had to be stronger and braver than I’d ever been in my life. I had to take control.



The sound of whispering in the corner woke me up. My eyes flew open, and I looked around me. I could see Alessandro and Elisabetta standing there, staring at me in shock.

“What’s going on?” I said as I sat up, my head pounding.

“I don’t know,” Alessandro said as he strode to me. “Are you okay, bro?”

“I’m fine. Wait, where’s Callie?” I looked around the room, panic setting in. “Where’s Callie?” I said, louder this time, jumping up.

Elisabetta walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. “We don’t know where she is. Antonio, I don’t know what you were thinking. I don’t know what your plan was, but—”

“But what? Wait, someone took us from the van. I’m assuming it wasn’t Jimmy coming up with a better idea.” I paused. “Wait, where the fuck is Jimmy? I need to talk to him. What is going on here?”

I could hear the anger in my voice. I wanted to punch someone; I wanted to hit something hard. Everything had gone awry. All my plans had blown up in smoke.

“Bro, you need to chill right now,” Alessandro said, grabbing my wrist and holding it up.

“I know something has gone terribly wrong, but I don’t know what it is. I don’t know where Jimmy is. Elisabetta and I found you out in the street like this. You were completely unconscious. Your forehead is bleeding. Elisabetta cleaned it up. Bro, something has happened.”