“What? Trying to think of a way to try to get me to stay?” I said, rolling my eyes. “Some sweet words to get me to drop to my knees and suck your cock? It’s not going to happen, jackass.”

His lips trembled slightly, and he shook his head. “This was never about you sucking my cock, Callie.”

“That was just a pleasant side benefit?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head. “Nothing I say will make you believe in me again, will it?”

“Nope,” I said. “Please go.”

“Okay.” He nodded and then left the room.

I sat down on the queen-size bed and looked around me. The room was stark and depressing. The candles flickering made me think of impending doom, but that was a joke because everything had crashed and burned around me already.

I heard footsteps coming back toward the door, and I folded my arms across my chest. If that was Antonio again, I was going to punch him. I needed to get out some of my anger, and while I wasn’t someone that believed in violence, I wanted to hit something or someone. Mainly him.

There was a knock on the door, but I ignored it. Another knock came, and I walked over to the door in an attempt to lock it, but before I could, it opened.

“Hello?” It was a lady’s voice.

I blinked. It was the older lady that’d been there earlier.

“I’m Luisa. Antonio asked me to escort you downstairs.”

“Okay,” I said, nodding, not knowing what to say to her. Wondering what she thought about everything that was going on.

“You’re very young,” she said as we walked along the dark corridor.

“I’m twenty-two,” I said. “Not that young.”

“Young compared to someone like me,” she said, though she wasn’t smiling. “You remind me of my daughter.”

“Oh?” I wasn’t sure why she was making small talk. It wasn’t like I wanted to talk to her, and I certainly didn’t want to talk about her kid.

“Yes, Elisabetta is her name. She is headstrong and feisty, just like you.” She didn’t look like she thought it was a good thing.

“Where is she?” I asked.

“She’s away at school.” Luisa nodded. “I thought it best for her to be away from this mad house.”

I stared at her in surprise. Her words weren’t what I expected.

“So you think this is a mad house?”

She turned toward me, her blue eyes keen as she studied my face. “It is a house that I’m used to,” she said. “I’ve known Roberto a very long time. He’s not…” She paused. “The nicest of men. But then I suppose I’m not the nicest of women.”

“You’ve worked for him for a long time then, I’m assuming?”

“I can’t remember a day when I haven’t worked for him,” she said, nodding. “Antonio is quite like his father. That is why they butt heads so much.”

“Well, okay, whatever,” I said, not wanting to hear about Antonio. “Did you also know that my father was having an affair with his mother?” I asked her.

She pressed her lips together. “It’s not my place to talk about the Marchesi family business.”

I wanted to tell her she’d just been talking about them, but I didn’t want to make her mad at me. She didn’t seem like the sort of lady you wanted to cross. And if I was being honest with myself, she couldn’t be that nice if she was a housekeeper for a Mafia don. She must have seen so much cruelty, danger, tears, and blood. I bit down on my lower lip. I didn’t even want to think about it.

“I’m surprised they’re letting me go,” I said honestly.

A part of me had thought that Antonio was going to keep me locked up in a room, but then that would defeat the purpose. He wanted my dad to be hurt, to be… I paused as I thought about everything that had gone down. What had been Antonio’s end game? He was using me to get to my father, but at the end of the day, it was me he was hurting. And yeah, my dad would be hurt because I was hurting, but he wouldn’t feel the same pain that a death would’ve caused.