“Instead of what?” she said. “The mere fact that my mom works for your dad and sent me to boarding school shows me that her life is your family. And as such, that means my life is your family.” She shrugged. “Trust me. I’d much rather have grown up in a different environment with different people, with a different mom, and actually knowing who my dad was, but I didn’t get that luxury. So whatever. You can tell me or not tell me what’s going on. But if that’s someone you tried to get with and she turned you down, kudos to her. She’s way too good for you and way too beautiful for you. And—”

“Enough,” I said, growling as I pulled away quickly.

Fucking Callie, fucking Josh. Now fucking Elisabetta was getting on my last nerves. Then my phone started ringing, and I saw it was Tommasso.

“What the fuck does he want?”

“You’re not going to answer it?” Alessandro asked me, looking concerned.

“It can’t be anything good.”

“Dude, you need to answer it.”

“Fine.” I pressed accept. “What is it?” I said, shouting into the speaker.

“Antonio, this is Tommasso Romano.”

“I know who it is, Tommasso.”

“You dishonored me. You dishonored my daughter. I’m telling you, you have one chance to rectify this.”

“Excuse me?” I said, annoyed. “What are you talking about?”

“I have spoken to Serena, and she is still willing to marry you. I’ve spoken to your father, and we both agree that the wedding should take place within the next month, seeing as you have already defiled Serena.”

“You’re fucking kidding, right?”

I looked over at Alessandro, who was shaking his head and chuckling.

“I do not joke about such things. You have twenty-four hours to decide whether or not you are going to marry Serena.”

“I can tell you right now, Tommasso, that ain’t going to happen.”

“If you do not choose to marry my beautiful Serena, then you’ll regret it,” he said.

“Is that a threat, Tommasso?”

“No,” he said. “That’s a promise.” And then he hung up.

Elisabetta squealed in the back seat. “Oh shit, what’s going on?”

I sighed and shook my head just as my phone rang again.

“What the fuck? Why can’t anyone leave me alone tonight? What is it?” I asked, shouting into the phone.

“It’s me, boss.”

“Hey, Jimmy. What’s up?”

“I’m at Melba’s. I heard you left already.”

“Oh shit. I forgot you were coming. We’re going over to Florence’s on Fifth. Meet us there?”

“If I go there, boss, are you going to actually be there or…”

“Meet us at Florence’s on Fifth.”

“Okay. Everything okay?”