“We need to talk, Callie.”

“No, we don’t,” I said, shaking my head.

“She says back off,” Josh said.

“Do you really want me to have another conversation with you?” Antonio said with a hiss. I could see Josh’s face paling and wondered what that was about. What conversation had they had and why? What had Antonio said to him previously? There was so much that I didn’t know, so many ways Antonio had weaved his way into my life that I’d been unaware of.

I was annoyed with myself. I thought of myself as someone that was acutely aware of my environment and the people around me. I thought I was one of the best judges of characters I knew, and yet I had no clue about who Antonio really was as a person.

“Callie,” Antonio said. “A minute?”

“Fine. You have one minute,” I said, folding my arms.

“Not here,” he said. “In private.” I glared at him and got up slowly.

Josh jumped up as well. “You don’t have to go with him, Callie. You…”

“It’s fine. I’ll be right back,” I said. “Where do you want to chat?” I gave Antonio my best attitude.

“Follow me,” he said, grabbing my hand and marching me toward the back of the restaurant.

“We shouldn’t be back here,” I said.

“We can be anywhere we want in this restaurant. Like I said, I own it.” He opened the door. There was a guy sitting down. “Get out,” Antonio said. The guy didn’t even respond. He jumped up and left the office. Antonio shut the door behind him and pushed me back against it. “What the fuck is going on, Callie?”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re here on a date after everything that happened?”

“I told you. I had someone waiting for me. Did you think I was going to be at home crying my eyes out, thinking about you and your lies?” I rolled my eyes, my heart racing. “I don’t give a flying fuck about you, Antonio Marchesi.”

“You’re such a fucking liar, Callie,” he said, his lips coming close to mine.

“Oh yeah? Look who’s talking?” I said, glaring at him. And then I felt his lips pressed against mine, and all air was slapped out of my body. I didn’t want to respond, but I couldn’t stop myself.

He pressed himself against me, and I felt his fingers running down the side of my chest, groping my breast. I ran my fingers into his hair, scratched them down his skull, and dug my fingernails into his neck. I gasped as his tongue entered my mouth, and we kissed passionately. He slipped his hand under my shirt and played with my nipple, and I could feel my panties growing wet. I wanted him. I wanted to feel him inside of me. He shifted slightly, and I could feel his hardness against my stomach.

“I want to fuck you, Callie. I want to show you who you belong to.” I heard him unzipping himself, and I gasped as he went to unbutton my jeans. I wanted it as bad as him. I didn’t care. But then memories of everything that had happened came flashing through, all the lies, the fact that he’d been using me, and I pushed him away with all my might. I lifted my knee and hit him square in the groin.

“Ow!” he shouted, backing up. “What the fuck, Callie?”

“Get your hands off of me, Antonio Marchesi. You may think I’m putty in your hands, you may think I’ll do whatever you want to because I’m attracted to you, but I don’t like you and I don’t want you. So fuck off. You hear me? Fuck off. Go fuck whatever bimbo you want to fuck if you’re horny, but you’re never going to fuck me again. In fact, I’ll let you know a little something.”

“What?” he hissed, glaring at me.

“While you’re fucking someone else and thinking of me, I’ll be fucking Josh tonight. And trust me when I say I won’t be thinking about you. I never want to see you again. Stop following me.”

“I’m not following you. This is my bar.”

“Whatever,” I said. “You had your chance, and you screwed me over. Quite literally. Do you really think I’m going to let you fuck me again right now?”

“You know you want it.”

“Sure, my body might want you, Antonio, but I don’t want you. You’re a piece of shit.”

He blinked at me and then started laughing. “You really do have a mouth on you, don’t you? You’re fucking sexy as hell when you go off on me like that.”

“Do you think I’m laughing? Do you think this is all fun and games?”