“Yes?” I snapped.

“Do you want me to head inside or…?” He shrugged, looking slightly awkward.

“No, don’t go,” I said, standing back, upset that I’d let her get me riled up. “I know you’re wet for me, Callie. You might be mad at me and upset, but you’ll understand why I did what I did. In fact, you’ll most probably be calling me by the end of the week saying you understand. Asking me to fuck you because your pussy misses Daddy’s cock so badly.”

“You’re sad,” she said softly, shaking her head. “You think everything revolves around sex. You think your cock is almighty. You think that I care about that? But you don’t get it, Antonio. It was never about sex for me. Yeah, sure, we had chemistry and an attraction, but I don’t like you as a person. I thought you were someone different. I guess I am as naive and gullible as you thought, but not anymore. And you know what, Antonio?”

“What?” I said, angry again.

“You’re not the only man that has a cock, and you’re not the only man that’s made me come. Fuck, I’ve got a guy back in the dorm who would do me in a second if I wanted him to.”

“Josh?” I asked, pissed off.

“Yeah, Josh. In fact, he’s already gone down on me a couple of times. And the last time I saw him, he asked me if I wanted to sit on his face, and maybe I’ll do that.” She smiled at me sweetly. “And trust me, when I come, I won’t be thinking about you.” She paused, licked her lips, and closed her eyes. I froze as she started moaning. “Just like that, Josh, ooh yes, oooh.” My jaw dropped.

“You will not do that.” I grabbed her hand, and she started laughing as she pulled away from me.

“What’s so funny?” I growled.

“You wanna know what’s funny, Antonio?”

“Tell me.”

“Last night when you were fucking me, it was Josh’s face I was seeing.” Her words were cold, and I felt like she’d punched me. “And trust me when I say I very much want to feel his cock inside my pussy. I very much want to have my pussy act like the ocean for him, because frankly, when I was with you, it was barely a puddle.” She turned to Jimmy and raised her voice. “Take me home now.”

I stared at her, nodded at Jimmy, and walked inside the house without another word. I’d let her think she was taking this win. I’d let her think she was in charge. She had no clue who she was playing with. She was sorely mistaken if she thought she would get away with that little diatribe. Emphasis on sorely. By the time I was done with her, she would know exactly who owned that pussy of hers.



Antonio had been pissed at my words. I’d seen it in his eyes, yet he’d said nothing. He’d just given me one nod and walked into the house. I’d held my breath, thinking that he was going to come back out and start screaming or shouting at me, but nothing. Part of me had assumed he’d grab me, carry me into the house, and then fuck me hard and fast. A part of me had wanted it. I had a problem. I knew that. Who would want a devious liar touching them again? But I couldn’t stop myself from wanting him. I hated him, but he was right about one thing: my panties were soaked.

“You ready to go?” Jimmy asked me, and I nodded.

I looked over at him, wondering what he thought about everything. He was young, most probably in his twenties or thirties as well, and he was a handsome man. He definitely looked like he was in the Mafia, though, if one in the Mafia had a look. He had a bunch of tattoos and a hard face. If I hadn’t heard him laugh so many times, I would have been scared of him.

“Come on. Let’s go,” he said as he grabbed his keys from his back pocket. We walked over to a black Range Rover, and he opened the passenger side door.

“You want to sit up front? Or you can go in the back if you want.” He seemed oddly awkward as we both stood there, and I just shook my head.

“It’s fine. I’ll sit up front. You’re not an Uber driver, are you?” I asked as I slid into the passenger seat. He chuckled as he slammed the door behind me, and then he got into the driver’s seat and started the ignition.

“So you go to NYU?”

“Yep, I do.”

“And you live on campus, right?”

I pressed my lips together. What was the point of him asking me these questions? It seemed he already knew the answers.

“So do you want to talk on the drive or…?” He pulled out of the driveway quickly, and I hoped he didn’t speed the entire time.

I looked over at him and then looked back down at my lap.

“So?” he prodded, and I sighed.

“I think my silence is answer enough,” I said softly and turned to him with a frown as he chuckled. He strummed his fingers against the steering wheel and then turned on the radio.