“What’s that?” I asked. I could hear the nervousness in my tone. I wasn’t even faking it. Even though I knew this was a ruse, it was scary. I didn’t know just how far Antonio would go to make this real. I didn’t know how badly he wanted me to become submissive to him. It was weird because I could tell he had a power issue. He liked to be in charge. He liked to be dominant. He liked to be strong. He asserted his power in all areas of his life. Even in the bedroom, it was clear he liked to take control. But then I could tell he liked it when I fought back a bit. He always seemed surprised but in awe when I flipped the switch on him. I wondered how he would feel at the end of this whole thing when he realized I’d never fallen for his bullshit. That I’d used him for my own purposes. He wasn’t the only one that could use sex as a weapon and power move. Yeah, he’d had me begging today, but I’d have him on his knees soon enough. I was slowly coming into my own as a woman. I was slowly understanding the power of the pussy. And this pussy was going to take him down, once and for all.



The light whimpering sounds were starting to make me feel bad. Callie was clutching on to my arm, and her entire body was shaking. “It’s okay,” I whispered into her hair as the van accelerated even faster. I would talk to Jimmy about his NASCAR wannabe driving with me in the back of a van. The sound of another car with a loud exhaust suddenly appeared next to us, and I frowned. What the hell was going on?

Suddenly, the van swerved to the left, and I felt the impact of another car crashing into us. Jimmy was taking this too far. I was going to kill him. Callie flew out of my arms, and I heard her head crashing into the side of the van.

“Ow!” she cried out before the van swerved again, and her body came sliding back into me. “Are they trying to kill us?”

“I don’t know what the hell is going on,” I growled. I was angry now. Really angry. This was not part of the plan. I attempted to stand up and make my way toward the front so I could bang on the walls, but the other car hit us again, and I went flying back. The van stopped suddenly and then swerved to the right. I could hear guns firing, and suddenly, I felt uneasy. This was not a part of the plan. The other car hit us again, and the van spun, until it finally crashed into something. Callie and I went flying to the side again, and I tried to pull her into my arms.

“This is fucking scary, Antonio,” she mumbled. It sounded like she was crying.

“I will make—” I started, but then the back of the van suddenly exploded. I shielded Callie from whatever was coming next. A blinding bright white light flashed into the back of the van.

“Antonio Marchesi and Callie Rowney, today is your lucky day,” a robotic voice spoke loudly.

“What the fuck is going on?” I moved forward, and before I knew what was happening, something hard was crashing down on my head. I looked over to see if I recognized our assailants, but whoever was in front of me was dressed in all black and had a black balaclava on top of his head. I was about to speak again when I saw the man point a gun at Callie and shoot. She screamed and fell back. Rage filled me, and I attempted to get back up.

Another man jumped into the car and picked Callie up, pulling a dart out of her arm.

“Don’t worry,” Robotic Man said with a cackle. “We didn’t kill her yet.”

“Who are you?” I was going to kill this man. I scrambled forward to try and grab Callie, but all my movements felt sluggish and slow.

“I’m your worst nightmare, Mr. Wolf.” He held up a gun in front of him and smiled, the most evil smile I’d ever seen in my life. “Charles Baudelaire once said, ‘The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist…’” He paused and jumped into the van, pulling me up and holding me around the neck. “Well, I’m here to tell you that I do exist. And I’m going to take your little lady and make her mine.” He looked around the van, and his body froze suddenly. He let me go, and I watched as he picked up Callie’s bra. My entire body was shaking as he held it up in his hands. He turned to me and held the dart gun up. “Say good night, Mr. Wolf.”

“What the hell is going on? Where are you taking Callie? I will kill you if you do anything to her.”

The man started laughing then. “Well, look at you. You do have a heart. Or are you just jealous that she will be mine as well?”

“She will never be yours,” I growled at him, taking a deep breath and summoning all the strength that I could. My head was pounding. The smell of gasoline, burned tires, and smoke filled my nostrils, and I worried that the situation was far out of my control. Where was Jimmy? What the hell was going on?

“Don’t worry. It’s not over yet.” He grabbed a gun and held it to the side of my head. “I could kill you right now if I wanted to. The great Antonio Marchesi, taken down by li’l ol’ me.

“Who are you?” I hissed, wanting to rip his balaclava off.

“The devil.” He grinned and then shot me with something. The pain was immediate. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as I went crashing back down. I could see my mother’s face, holding Alessandro as a boy, singing to him. Jimmy and I stood in the corner of the room, playing soldiers, eating pieces of oranges and cookies. Jimmy had taken the last cookie, and I’d hit him on the shoulder. He’d started crying, and that had woken Alessandro up. Alessandro then started crying, and I’d been so scared I was going to get into trouble. But Mama had just smiled and gotten out of the rocking chair she’d been sitting in. “Antonio, Jimmy is your guest. You share with your guests, remember?”

“But he stole my cookie.” I pouted, about to cry myself.

“But he’s your best friend, right?” She kissed me on the forehead. She’d been so loving and sweet.

“Yes,” I mumbled and looked over at Jimmy, who looked guilty and sad. Jimmy, for all of his brutish ways, was a softie at heart.

“Then it’s going to be okay. There are always more cookies, never more best friends.” She kneeled down. “You’re my big, handsome boy, Antonio. And I know that you’ll always remember that people are always worth more than things.”

“Yes, Mama.” I’d nodded. I wasn’t sure why that memory was flashing in my head now. It made me sad. I almost felt like I could reach up and hold my mama. I could get one more hug. I could make her smile one more time. Was I about to meet her on the other side? Was this it for me? Was I going to die? All because of my want for vengeance. I was going to die, and now Callie was going to be raped and brutalized. And she didn’t deserve that. She didn’t deserve any of this. The impact of that thought hit me harder than the jackass who had taken her. “Do the right thing, Antonio.” My mama’s voice sounded in my head, and I closed my eyes as everything went black. “You need to make this right.”



My body jerked awake, and I felt like I was experiencing déjà vu. Only this time, I wasn’t in a bed at Don Roberto’s mansion. I also couldn’t see. Or move my body or my hands. Panic filled me as all my senses came back to me. I took three breaths and tried to calm myself down. Antonio was a jackass. I couldn’t believe he had escalated the kidnapping to this level, but I knew I shouldn’t be surprised. How many times did I have to learn that he wasn’t a nice guy? He didn’t have a conscience. I blinked slowly and realized that I was blindfolded. I could feel the rough material scratching my cheek. My hands were tied behind my back and connected to something. I moved my fingers slightly and realized I was touching the rough hands of someone else. I was tied to someone.

“Hello,” I whispered. My voice sounded like a little kid’s. There was no response. Whoever I was tied to seemed like they were still out of it. Their body was a dead weight next to mine. I tried to lick my dry lips, but the material of my blindfold was tied at the top of my lips. I was thirsty, parched even. My throat felt dry, and all of a sudden, my body realized how dry and hot the air was. There was no fresh air in this room. I stopped thinking to focus on the movement below me. I wasn’t in a vehicle anymore. Or rather, I wasn’t in a moving vehicle. I felt scared. Really scared. In over my head even. This wasn’t what I’d signed up for. Sure, playing detective had sounded fun in my head, but this wasn’t fun. This didn’t make me feel kick-ass. I felt like I was going to die. And nobody would care. Aside from my dad. And Imogen. And maybe Gia now. She and I were friends. At least, I thought we were. And maybe Josh would attend my funeral. Maybe. If he didn’t think I was some sort of idiot. Which he likely would because even I considered myself to be an idiot. My mind flashed back to making love with Antonio in the van. My thighs were sore. My nipples were aching from where he’d bitten them. My back was aching. And yet I still couldn’t erase the thrill that ran through me as I thought about him inside me, pleasuring me, doing everything he could to make my body sing. I understood now how men lost countries and presidencies due to sex. It was all-consuming and magical. Good sex made you forget everything you should and shouldn’t know about life.