“So do I.” I laughed but then stopped as my heart pounded. The only real bedmate I’d had was Antonio, and look where that had taken me. I sank down on my bed, knowing I should change my clothes first, but I was too tired.

“Sweet dreams, Callie,” Gia said as she sat on Valentina’s bed. “We can talk in the morning.”

“Yes,” I murmured as sleep overtook me. “I have so much to tell you.” My phone beeped, and I pulled it out of my pocket. I blinked as I gazed at the screen. It was Antonio. I growled at the screen, though I still read the text.

Antonio: Did you get home okay?

Me: I'm fine.

Antonio: You're in bed, safe and sound?

Me: I'm naked, waiting on Josh to…

Antonio: Callie.

Me: Stop texting me.

Antonio: Don’t make me come over there.

Me: Don't make me call the police on you.

Antonio: Try it.

Me: I'm going to block you.

Antonio: Try it.

“You’re so annoying.” I glared at the screen and looked over at Gia, who was staring at me with a curious expression on her face. “It’s Antonio.”

“So you’re still texting him?”

“I’m about to block his ass.”

“I blocked Alessandro, and he still gets through.” She made a face, and I rolled over on my side to look at her through hazy eyes. “I thought you were going to sleep, girl.”

“I did as well.” I groaned slightly. “I’m tired, but…”

“But Antonio’s text got you mad, and now your brain is running a million miles a minute and making you anxious and you can’t sleep.”

“Something like that.” I smiled lazily. “I take it you know the feeling well.”

“Yeah…” Her voice trailed off as she moved onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. “Those Marchesi brothers will drive you crazy.”

“Did you and Alessandro date?” I asked her bravely, hoping she wouldn’t think I was being too nosy.

“Oh, hell no.” She sounded aghast, like she thought that would have been a fate worse than death. “We were just friends for a long time… best friends.”

“And the friendship ended?”

“Yeah.” She took a deep breath. “I know you’re curious as to what happened, but it’s complicated and still a little painful.” She turned back to face me. “And it’s so stupid that it’s not even worth talking about. Though I still stand by my comment. The Marchesi brothers are bad news. Stay far away. Far, far away.”

“Antonio took my virginity,” I said quickly, the words rushing out of my mouth in acute embarrassment. It wasn’t that I felt like a slut or anything, but I felt like I’d moved fast. I hadn’t used much discretion in deciding he’d be my first.

“Oh, wow.” Gia sat upright, her eyes wide. “I wasn’t expecting you to say that, but I suppose they call Antonio a wolf for a reason. He really just goes for it, huh?”

“I guess so.” I made a face. “But I wasn’t exactly protesting.” I blushed slightly as I recalled just how eager I’d been. “He’s hot and—”

“Girl, you do not need to explain to me.” She grinned. “I may think they’re both douchebags, but I’m human. I can see how hot they are. It’s just a pity that they know it and so many women throw themselves at them.”