“You lied to me.” She shook her head. “You used me.”

“I fucked you as well,” I growled. “And we both liked it.”

“That doesn’t excuse what you did.”

“You don’t understand?” I slammed my fist against the wall. This wasn’t about revenge now. I was beside myself. “You don’t fucking understand why? Really, Callie? Really?”

“I understand.” She pressed her lips together, and I could see she looked scared. She’d never seen me lose it like this before.

“Give me another chance, Callie. I can’t have you hating me. Let me make this up to you. Let me—”

“Antonio… no.” Her voice was blunt.

“But you said you understand.”

“It’s not even been a day, Antonio. I need time. I need…” Her voice drifted off, and she looked away. “I don’t even know what I need anymore. I just need to figure out who I am now. Who my dad is. What my life is.”

“I can help you.”

“You’re the one that fucked it up in the first place,” she said bitterly, and I grabbed her face.

“Don’t cry.”

“I’m not crying.” She pushed my hands away. “I’m not some weak little girl. I’m a woman.”

“I know you’re a woman.” I stared at her, the lust in my eyes evident. “I want you. Tell me you don’t want me.”

“I don’t want you.” She licked her lips and yawned. “I’m tired, and I want to go home.”

“Is that an invitation?” I teased her, wondering if she remembered the last time I used those words, but she didn’t even smile. In fact, she didn’t even respond. “It was a joke, Callie… Remember that first night we met and—”

“I don’t find your jokes funny. I don’t find you funny.” Ice dripped from her tongue. “Are we done here? I’m tired, and I just want to be away from it all. Goddammit, Antonio, don’t you get it? I want nothing to do with you. Being around you makes me sick.” She sounded sad. “You’re not the man I thought you were. You’re not the man I hoped you were.”

“But I—”

“I get it. You had your reasons. And, yeah, if everything you said is true, my dad is the scum of the earth. But I’m not my dad. You don’t play with my feelings to get back at him and have me forgive you. What you did was unforgivable.”

“So you’re saying we’re done.”

“We’re not done.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “We never really started. You’re the man who stole my virginity with a lie.”

“You can’t say you didn’t enjoy it,” I whispered, pissed off at everything that was going on.

“I also can’t say that I didn’t think I was falling in love with you as well.” A lone tear fell from her eye. “But none of that is true now. I never want to see you again in my life, Antonio. I don’t care what you have to say or what you want to do. Fuck it, if you still want revenge on my dad, do what you want, but leave me out of it.” She rounded her shoulders and looked me dead in the eye. “’Cause if you don’t, you will be on the receiving end of my wrath. And trust me when I say, I ain’t no innocent little bitch.”

My jaw dropped at her words, even while my inner brain cheered her on. This was a side of Callie I’d never seen before. I could tell from the look on her face that she’d even impressed herself. Ironically, Callie was exhibiting the exact sort of character that would make a great Mafia boss’s wife. Unfortunately, for both of us, that didn’t seem like an option that was still on the table. I’d underestimated her. Severely. I wasn’t going to be able to worm my way back into her life. I wasn’t going to be able to woo her and make her fall for me again. I’d fucked up. Whatever we had, whatever feelings she’d felt, they were done. She hated me. And as much as I wanted that, it made me feel sick to my stomach. I tried to tell myself it was because it would make getting revenge on her father so much harder, but I didn’t even know if I believed that myself anymore.



“I can’t believe he just let you go.” Josh sounded amazed as we rode back to the dorm in a yellow taxi. Troy had been nowhere to be found when I’d left Antonio and gone back into the club. “I thought Jimmy would do to you what he did to Troy.”

“Jimmy did something to Troy?” I asked in surprise, looking over at Josh, whose skin was still pale.

“I’m not sure if he did anything, but he came up with two big, beefy guys and grabbed Troy off the dance floor.” He wrinkled his nose. “Then he looked at me and told me I needed to watch it or I’d be next.”

“They won’t do anything to you.” I reached over and touched his leg, which I immediately realized was a mistake because he shifted toward me and reached down to grab my hand.