“Jimmy, sometimes you’re a fucking idiot.”

“Sorry, boss.” He shrugged, not hurt by my words at all. “Where’s Alessandro?”

“He took Elisabetta home.” I rolled my eyes.

“Elisabetta?” He looked surprised. “He’s not hitting that, is he?”

“No!” I shuddered. “That’s fucking gross. She’s our sister, well, most probably.”

“No fucking way.” His eyes widened, and he shook his head. “Luisa and your papa been doing the dirty?”

“Does that surprise you?” I stared at him and then looked out at the crowd to make sure Callie hadn’t left yet.

“Nope. Don Roberto got a stick made of steel.” Jimmy laughed. “So, what’s the plan tonight?”

“I need to speak to Callie.”

“She don’t wanna talk to you, boss.”

“I don’t care.”

“There’s a rumor going round that Tommasso Romano is trying to start a war against you,” Jimmy said softly. “I heard he’s working with the Di Lorenzos.”

“Nico?” I raised an eyebrow. “He wouldn’t work with Tommasso.” Nico Di Lorenzo was underboss of the Di Lorenzo famiglia in Philly. He and I hadn’t had many dealings with each other, but I knew that if there were any other mafioso family to be wary of in the States, it was them.

“He wants to get back into New York.” Jimmy shrugged. “That’s the word on the street, anyway.”

“And what does Tommasso have to offer him?”

“Everything.” Jimmy leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “Word is, he knows all your dad’s dirty secrets.”

“Don’t we all?” I asked, staring into his eyes. “Tommasso’s not going to do shit.”

“You disrespected his daughter. Serena is the apple of his eye,” Jimmy said. “You’ve made a mockery of her in our world. No one is going to want her now.”

I pressed my lips together. I knew I’d spoken rashly. I knew better than to disrespect Serena and especially to her father. I just hadn’t been able to stop myself. Not when Callie was there and my father was acting like such a jerk. I still didn’t know how he knew the song Callie’s mother had sung to her when she’d been younger.

“Boss, you okay?” Jimmy’s gruff voice softened, and he touched me on the arm. “She’s a good girl, you know. Feisty, but good.”

“No one said she wasn’t good.” I brushed past him. And then I stopped and looked at him. “How do you know she’s feisty?” My blood was boiling, and I couldn’t help but notice that Jimmy wasn’t able to make eye contact with me. “Jimmy?”

“I may have made a joke about when I seen yous two in the shower.” He shrugged. “She didn’t appreciate it, so I stopped.”

“You made a move on her?”

“No, boss.” He held his hands up quickly. “I wouldn’t make a move on your girl. Never, boss. You know that.”

“I know.” I nodded and looked back toward the dance floor. “You ever seen that punk before?”

Jimmy looked over to Callie, Josh, and the blond dude and narrowed his eyes. “The one kid goes to school with—”

“Not Josh, the other guy.”

“Um… I don’t think… Oh wait…” His eyes widened, and he swore under his breath.

“What?” I watched as Jimmy pulled his gun out and brushed past me. “What the hell, Jimmy?”

“That’s Troy Nightingale. He’s with one of the Puerto Rican gangs. They push coke and special K. He works for Juan Escobar.”