“What?” Josh said, blinking at me in confusion. “Did you not want a water with lemon? Did you want it without lemon? I can call her and…”

“No, but did you notice she’s just been talking to you the entire time? She didn’t ask me if I wanted a water or…”

“Oh,” he said, shrugging. “I didn’t notice.”

“Of course you wouldn’t,” I said, opening the menu. I could smell greasy pizza and chicken wings in the restaurant, and my stomach grumbled. I was hungry, really hungry.

“You want to get a pitcher of beer as well?” he said. “Looks like they got a deal. Ten bucks.”

“Sure,” I said, shrugging. I wasn’t a beer person, but I didn’t want to get wine in an establishment like this. Plus, beer got you drunk pretty quickly.

“Do you know what beer you want? It looks like—”

“I’m fine,” I said, interrupting him. “You can choose. I’m not any sort of beer connoisseur, so I don’t know which would be the best one.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “I guess we’ll start with some Bud.”

“Sure,” I said. “It smells delicious in here. I feel like I could eat a cow.”

“I could eat a horse,” he said, and my stomach curled at the thought of the horse’s head that had been on the bed. I wasn’t going to think about it. Focus, Callie, on anything other than Antonio. “So what do you want on your pizza?” Josh asked, his eyes glittering as he looked around. “It must be a pretty good spot. It’s quite packed.”

“Yeah, it is,” I said, nodding. At least five other couples were seated, and three large parties of what appeared to be five to ten people. They were pretty slammed. They must be doing good business. Maybe I would ask if they had any vacancies. Should be good tips. But then, it was so far away from the dorm. I didn’t know if I wanted to walk all the way to Brooklyn.

“So is that a yes or no to olives?” he asked me, and I just stared at him.

“Oh, sorry. I was just looking around. I’m not huge into olives, but we can get half a pizza with them.”

“Okay, so cheese on all.”



“Sure. I love pepperoni.”

“What about sausage?” I wrinkled my nose. “Okay, so sausage will be on the side that has the olives.”

“Sounds good to me.” I laughed. “What about basil?”

“Basil? What? On a pizza?”

“You’ve never had basil on a pizza before?”

He shook his head. “To be quite honest, I don’t even know what basil is.”

I burst out laughing. “You don’t know what basil is, and yet you’re making a face and acting like it’s the most disgusting thing in the world?”

“I mean, it just doesn’t sound like it should be on a pizza. That’s like saying, ‘Do you want broccoli on a pizza?’”

“Ew, that would be disgusting,” I said.

“I bet you in California they have broccoli on pizza.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“Because they love to be healthy there. Every dish that’s meant to be delicious and greasy is healthy. How do you freaking have broccoli on a pizza?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I’ve never been to California, though my best friend lives in Berkeley, and I know they’re pretty health conscious there as well. She was always complaining when she first went there.” I paused. “I really want to go and visit her before she graduates as well. I just hope I can raise enough money.