Page 18 of The Devil's Bargain

The judge takes the sheet. “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Crewes.”

When I was a senior in high school, I used to doodle Ava Crewes in the margins of my notebook. Little hearts surrounded the name I always thought I might have one day, but gave up on so many years ago. It’s so strange to think of that now, and I barely have a second for that to sink in before Link snatches my fingers.

With a nod, he says, “I appreciate it. Next time you’re at the Playground, let me know. I’ll take care of you.”

Judge Callihan’s tired eyes light up. “If there’s anything else I can do for you…”

“There is. You can tell me where your nearest bathroom is.”

“Of course. Down the hall, third down on the left.”

“Thanks. And don’t worry about showing us out, Judge. When we’re done, we’ll let ourselves out.”

The judge gives him a knowing smile. “I’ll send one of my staff to lock up in… half an hour or so? Or would an hour be better?”

Link tucks my hand beneath his arm, tugging me into his side. “Half an hour should be fine. I just want to finalize our marriage as soon as possible.”

“Yes, yes. I understand.” He finally adjusts his crooked robes. “I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”

“Come, Ava,” Links says, completely disregarding the judge. “This way.”

I guess he doesn’t want to leave me behind with Judge Callihan while he takes a trip to the bathroom. Considering he thinks he’ll need it for close to half an hour, I figure Link needs to take a shit before we leave, and I’m prepared for him to park me in the hall before he slips inside the bathroom.

That’s… not what happens.

As soon as we reach the third door on the left, Link pushes the door inside, using his grip on my hand to pull me in behind him. Once he has, he lets go of me, but he closes the door before I can run back out again.

With a decisive turn of the lock, he traps me in the room with him.

It’s a single toilet bathroom, with a large mirror, two cabinets, and an oversized porcelain sink. Smelling of potpourri, with every single decoration lacking personality and screaming “money”, it’s a nice bathroom—but it’s obviously designed for one person to use it at a time.

“I’ll wait in the hall,” I begin.

“Not so fast, pet,” he says, his voice a low rasp. “Come here.”

I gulp. “Link, you probably want privacy for this.”

“Yeah, and that’s why I brought you to the bathroom instead of just bending you over Callihan’s desk.”

What? “I don’t understand.”

“A lapsed Catholic is still a Catholic,” he says, shoving his suit jacket and his sleeve up just enough for me to see a hint of the rosary he has tattooed on his forearm, toward his wrist. “I didn’t get to marry my wife in a church, but fuck if I’m not going to consummate this marriage right now. Then you’ll really be mine.”


Holy shit. “Link, you don’t mean—”

“That I’m going to fuck you right now? That’s exactly what I mean. Unless you’d rather take back your vows and I take back my offer of protection.”

Asshole. He knows there’s no going back for me. Either Damien Libellula and his goons come after me for killing one of their own, or I go to jail for murder. Maybe I get manslaughter, or even a lesser charge since I did it in self-defense, but what about the unregistered gun in my house? I’m absolutely fucked if I walk away from Link now.

I’m absolutely fucked if I stay in this bathroom—and this marriage—with him.

What’s that saying? Better the devil you know?

What does that mean when the man looming over youisthe Devil?

“Understand me, Ava: once I fuck you, youaremy wife. This is your last chance to change your mind. I said ‘til death do you part on Callihan’s office, and I mean it. You have to mean it, too, or you’re on your own.” He tilts his head toward me, too gorgeous for his own good. “Yes or no?”