Page 54 of No One Has To Know

And as she throws back her head, her pussy squeezing me so tightly, it’s impossible for me to keep from coming inside of her, the fact that she remembers to moan my name has my semi fucking the creampie I gave her.

“Every drop, angel,” I say raggedly. If I have to use my cock to shove it as far as I go, I will. “Such a good girl. Every inch and every drop.”

With dazed hazel eyes locked on me, she nods, then throws her hands over my shoulders, hanging on for the ride while I leisurely stroke inside of her.

“Yes, Mason…”

I shudder at the way she murmurs my name.

Finally—finally—I’ve made my angel mine. Nothing will ever come between us again.

No matter what I have to do, I’ll make sure of it—and not even Angela herself will be able to stop me.



Iwait to see if she’ll regret it. To turn my claiming of her into another transaction. A way for her to justify her actions while blaming me for them.

When she doesn’t, I smile.

It’s an honest grin. The one I save only for her.

From that moment on, she’s mine.

The best part is, she alwayswas.

It took a lot of time to get here. Scheming. Manipulating. I don’t regret a second of it, or a single thing I did to make sure that Angela wanted me as much as I craved her. From the daisy to the date, it was only a matter of taking any advantage I could.

I always knew that, with the right tool, I’d be able to keep her forever.

My angel… she was born to run. Never staying in one place for long, always looking over her shoulder. All she’s ever wanted was something to love her. To cherish her. To choose her above all, and provide her with the security she’s chased her whole adult life.

She wanted me.

I thought my obsession was too dark for her. I thought that I was no good. My angel deserved a good man, not a possessive bastard who rifled through her belongings when she was asleep—or who betrayed her by reading her journal the moment he got his hands on it.

I don’t regret that, either. Without the journal, I would’ve kept my distance. Always watching, forever lusting, but I would never have corrupted her.

Not unless she wanted to be corrupted.

And Angela… she did. More than that, she wanted Officer Burns to do the corrupting.

I was happy to oblige.

Once I realized exactly what a goldmine her private journal was, any idea that I would let my angel live her sweet little life without me went up in flames. Flipping through the pages whenever I got the chance, I followed it like it was a fucking guidebook. Even after I loaded her in my cruiser, I made sure to grab the journal.

I had to reassure myself that what I was doing was right. That it was what she wanted.

When I watched her struggle to be my prisoner, the journal reinforced my plan. When I inadvertently made her cry, I read the passages about what that fucker Santorino did to her again and realized my mistake. Pleasuring her was easy. Letting her give herself permission to touch me wasn’t.

But that’s because she didn’t want permission. She wanted me to take, so I did.

Everything she wanted. Everything she desired. Everything my sweet, broken angel, my pretty little florist kept hidden in the dark recesses of her cracked heart… to make it whole—to make itmine—I did it all.

Now I have her body. In the week following the first time she let me fuck her, all I have to do is grin and she’s ready and willing for me. I won’t stop until she has my ring on her finger; then I’ll have her soul. Loyalty will come in time.

But I still don’t have her heart.