Page 30 of No One Has To Know

Gulping, I get up from the cot. I don’t approach him, though. As though he’s the big, bad predator and I’m the frightened prey—not too far from the truth, actually—I stay where I am.

For some reason, that amuses him.

“If you don’t come to me, you can crawl.”

I’d rather die. “Why? What are you going to do to me?”

“Oh, no. It’s what you’re going to do to me.”


He pats the bulge in his uniform pants. “It’s my turn.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t scream. You said you wouldn’t gag me if I didn’t scream.”

Burns clicks his tongue. “You did. Did you want my neighbors to hear you? Did you want them to come rescue you?”

Oh my God. He’s talking about when I screamed as he was making me come. I wasn’t even thinking… it just felt so good, I couldn’t help it.

“Burns, that’s not… no.” Yes? I don’t know… “It’s not the same.”

“That’s where we’re going to have to agree to disagree. Because I think it is. You screamed, Angela. I told you what would happen if you did. Don’t make me a liar and get on your knees.” He waits a moment, eyes flashing in barely contained… something. Anger? Lust? Both? “On your fucking knees.”

The harsh edge of his voice has me doing just that.

He moves until he’s standing right in front of me.

I meet his gaze, then ask, “Are you still punishing me?”

He grips me lightly by the hair, forcing my head back so that I’m staring up at his face from my place on my knees. “Do you think you’re being punished, angel?”

I want to tell him to stop calling me that. Angels don’t go to their knees this easy, or fantasize about getting trapped by a powerful man and having their pussy devoured in the rain…

Even worse, the truth is, when it comes to whether or not sucking Burns’s dick in my mouth is a punishment, I don’t know. I just don’t fucking know.

I don’t have to. Like everything else since he took me, he takes the choice out of my hands.

He fingers the badge pinned to his uniform shirt before dropping his hands to his waist. His gun is strapped in his holster. With his pointer finger, then taps the butt. “You wanted me to do this. Don’t deny it.”

Damn it. Burns might be a bastard, but he might also be right.



That’s the stress of being his captive talking. The sleepless nights, the fear of nightmares returning, the nerves I can’t escape, the anxiety that is me wondering what Burns will expect from me next. The flashbacks from that night in Fairview five years ago, and how Brick jumped me for the shop’s deposit only a couple of weeks ago.

I don’t want to. But this is my punishment, so I will.

Burns can tell.

He smirks. With one quick motion, he releases my hair before reaching for his zipper. He must have already undone the button on his pants because the front peels open as he jerks the zipper down. With no hesitation, he tugs them down. Burns is a boxer briefs man, and I get a glimpse of them before he reaches inside of them, pulling out his cock.

“Forget being punished. This is your reward for being such a good girl.”


Sucking his dick ismyreward?