Page 20 of No One Has To Know

I sleptwith one hand cuffed to the headboard. The other was cuffed to Burns who refused to leave me alone after he made me come.

All night, his big body bracketed mine, spread out on the small cot to the point that I either hung off the side or laid beside him, the heat from his hip and his thigh warming me up a whole lot more than the blanket he pulled over us before commanding me to go to sleep.

I did. Whether it was the endorphins that did it or last night’s restlessness, I slept dreamlessly through the night.

What else could I do?

Trying to break free from the headboard was one thing. With Burns smart enough to cuff my right hand to his life before joining me on the mattress, I gave up any hope of escaping. I hadn’t slept in the two nights since I woke up from the drugs he pumped into me, and after the way he refused to stop until he had wrung another orgasm out of me, I was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. While falling asleep next to my captor seems reckless, I couldn’t help myself. Almost as though his touch was as much a sedative as a drug, my sleep wasn’t just dreamless. It was unbroken until I woke up to the sound of someone clearing their throat.

My arm aches. It’s still stretched over my head, the metal cuff clanging against the headboard as I try to stretch it out. There’s enough give that I can bend my elbow, trying to work the kink out of my arm.

As much as that aches, it’s nothing compared to how tender my pussy feels. To my surprise, my captor was insistent in his pursuit of making me come, yet not as rough as I would’ve expected from someone who wanted to take, take,take. Still, just like he said to me, it has been years since anyone’s touched me like he did. Whether it was his dick or his fingers, it didn’t matter. He penetrated me, and now that I’m not on the verge of coming again, I’m feeling it this morning.

I hear a chuckle. I’d completely forgotten that I wasn’t alone, though I’m the only one in the small bed right now. At that realization, my eyes spring open. There, standing a few feet away from the bed, is Burns.

He’s in his uniform again. His dark hair is freshly washed and styled, his gun in its holster, his handcuffs hanging off his hip.

I can still feel one pair biting into my skin, keeping me cuffed to the bed. But if he’s there, and he has another, what about…

My left hand is completely free this time. Instead of making it so that both of my hands are cuffed together like they have been, or chaining me to another part of the bed, he’s actually allowed me full use of at least one of my hands.

I glance over at him. Burns smirks.

“I keep my promises, angel. My fingers for your hand, like I said. See? I can be accommodating, too.”

Good for him. I shake the hand attached to the headboard, jangling the cuff. “What about this one?”

“Oh? You want both of them free?” Dipping his hand into the pocket of his uniform pants, Burns pulls out the same key he used on me last night. He twirls it between his forefinger and his thumb. “Tell me… what would you do for this then?”

Honestly? A lot more than I ever want to confess to my captor. To have my hands free, I’d do a lot more than I did last night.

Luckily, Burns isn’t asking for too much.

“Kiss me.”

If he ever knew what he could get away with, he wouldn’t make it so easy.

In fact, since hedoesn’tknow… maybe it’s time I see whatIcan get away with.

“I… I don’t want to.”

“You did last night, angel.”

He doesn’t know that.

“You kissed me,” I remind him. That, at least, is true.

“You’re right. And that’s exactly why I want you to kiss me for this key. Are you desperate enough to come to me? Or would you rather spend my whole shift cuffed to the cot?”

As much as it sucked to have my hands cuffed together, at least I could get up and use the toilet and sink. I could get up and walk around, too, pacing the basement while trying to figure out my next move. I can’t do that if I’m handcuffed to the headboard the whole day. I’ll be stuck in one spot, forced to either hold it or piss the bed if I can’t.

So he gave me one hand back, just like he said he would. Won’t do me any good though, will it? Not unless I can get him to take off the other cuff.

Burns is a tricky bastard. I have to remember that…

He runs his hands through his dark hair, scratching the edge of his jaw as he smiles down at me.

I know right away to brace myself for what’s coming next.