Page 14 of No One Has To Know

I check the fridge. It hasn’t been disturbed. It’s exactly as fully stocked as I left it earlier this afternoon—which means that she got her spite out in a whole other way.

Glancing over my shoulder, I ask, “Did you eat?”

She doesn’t answer.

I swallow the rush of anger welling up inside of me. She might think she’s only hurting herself by refusing to take care of herself. She’s wrong. I brought Angela here. I will take care of her.

No matter what.

Reaching into the fridge, I grab a bottle of water and a candy bar. Not the healthiest choice, but it’s her favorite, and she probably needs the hit of sugar right now. I tear off the wrapper, toss it in the garbage pail, then stalk over to Angela.

She’s still got her cheek pressed to the cot, refusing to meet my gaze.

Yeah. That’s not going to work for me.

“Sit up.”

She shakes her head.

I grit my teeth. The chocolate is melting in my hand, and she’s not the only one who needs to eat. “Fine. Either you sit up yourself, or you sit on my lap. Your choice.”

I leave no room for her to misunderstand me. As though remembering how I told her that I don’t make threats, only promises, she doesn’t try me. Without a word, she starts to rise up into a sitting position.

It’s hard, given the cuffs she’s still wearing. Taking pity on her, I set the bottle of water on the cement floor, then hook my hand under her armpit so that I can lift her the rest of the way up. She tried, at least, and I reward her by shoving the candy bar right in front of her pouty lips.


She does.

“Attagirl.” I wait for her to chew and swallow, then say, “Again.”

I don’t stop until she’s eaten the entire candy bar. That done, I uncap the water bottle. I have the urge to lick the chocolate from her lips myself. Maybe if she didn’t look so haunted, I would. Instead, I make her drink. I don’t let her stop until she’s drunk at least half of the bottle.

I recap the bottle, dropping it to the floor, then join her on the cot. I can tell she wants to move away from me, though she doesn’t dare.

Ah. She’s learning.

“When I’m home, we eat together. But when I’m on duty, I expect you to feed yourself. If there’s something you want that I don’t have, tell me. I’ll make sure you have it. You will eat, though. I won’t let anyone think I can’ take care of my angel. You understand me?”

She nods slowly.

Not good enough. “I said, do you understand me?”

“I—yes, but… please, Officer Burns. You have to see… this is wrong, right? You can just keep me down here.”

“Of course, I can.”

“No. Listen to me… please. I have a job. You know that. Louise’s… I already missed today. She’ll be worried about me, and I can’t afford to lose my job.”

I expected her to go this route. Luckily, I’m prepared.

“You don’t have that job anymore. You quit.”

She recoils. “What?”

“Well, I quit for you, but Louise thinks you’re the one who sent the text, so, yeah. You quit.”

“Sent the… you used my phone?”