Page 61 of Midnight Rapture

But she took after her mother, not enjoying the waking-up portion. The buzzing finally stopped, and she breathed a sigh of relief as she finished the diaper change. They headed downstairs, where Jasper stood at the stove in basketball shorts and a muscle tank.

What did it say about her that she wanted to take a bite out of him? That she was looking forward to her night in his arms. That she was coming to depend on him.

It wasn’t smart leaning on him the way she did. But he was rather insistent and convincing. All he had to do was cast his smolder in her direction, and her insides turned to putty.

“Cakes.” Maddie clapped enthusiastically.

Jasper turned with a grin. “That’s right, little lassie. I’m making you cakes for breakfast. But in order to get one, I require a kiss.” He pointed to his cheek.

Maddie chuckled. And if she didn’t know any better, she’d say her daughter was blushing.

They both had it bad for him. She didn’t know how they were going to call it quits at the end of the year, not when they were both this attached already. But it was a problem for another day.

She walked around the kitchen island. Jasper leaned down, and Maddie placed a smacking kiss on his cheek. Then he returned the favor, sending Maddie into peals of laughter.

“Why don’t you put her in the highchair, and I’ll bring the pancakes over.”

“Good call.” She sniffed the air, loving the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

She bent down, getting Maddie in her seat, when the vibrations started up again. Son of a—oh, holy crap!

She breathed through it. That was the only thing she could do. Because these weren’t the same vibrations from before. Oh no, she could have held on if they had been. But these were faster, more intense. And it took everything inside her to finish getting Maddie into her chair.

Jasper walked up beside her, holding a plate with the pancakes already cut up into bite-sized pieces and a drizzle of honey. “Are you all right, lass?”

Yep, except she was contemplating murder. She glared and said through gritted teeth, “I’m fine.”

Then smiled down at Maddie, who began happily stuffing her face. “One at a time. Let me get your milk, baby.”

She walked with the device buzzing in her hoohah and prayed she would make it through the torture before she decided to strangle the man.

It was how her day progressed. All morning long, she’d be doing activities with Maddie. They colored for a bit. Then did some arts and crafts. Then they went for a walk around the block. She couldn’t attempt swimming with the damn thing. And it was supposed to storm in a little bit anyhow. Then they watched some television. She was introducing Maddie to one of her favorite animated movies growing up when the buzzing started again.

She’d been aroused all morning long. By the time lunch arrived, she really was ready to kill him. She was ready to excuse herself to the bathroom, where she’d yank the thing out and make herself come. A simple swipe against her clit would set her off like a rocket.

But she didn’t. Because she didn’t want to disappoint him. How weird was that?

Lunch came and went, with Jasper quietly laughing at her every time he turned the blasted device on.

When she finally got Maddie down for a nap that afternoon, she went searching for her husband. She located him in his office, seated behind his desk. And she didn’t think twice. On her way, she stripped.

“Can I help you with something?” he asked when she straddled his lap, yanked the bullet out, and tore at his shorts.

“Kiss me,” she snarled, her hand delving beneath the waistband of his shorts and circling his shaft.

She planted her mouth over his while she drew his cock out of his shorts. At least he wasn’t fighting her advances. Her pussy dripped. She was so wet and swollen. She didn’t wait for permission. Just fit the head of his cock at her entrance and impaled herself on his shaft.

Jasper tore his mouth from hers. “I don’t have a condom on, lass.”

“I don’t give a fuck,” she snarled, too aroused to care. Too swollen to worry about a condom. She ached with the need to come. She fucked him, her hips slamming down repeatedly. From this angle, he was even larger. And by the seventh thrust, she climaxed. Waves of bliss battered her form. She clamped her thighs, holding him steady while her body dissolved in ecstasy.

“Better?” Jasper murmured, his hands gripping her hips.

“Not even close.” Because she’d been in a heightened state of arousal for so long, she needed multiple orgasms to soothe the raging fire in her loins.

Jasper didn’t tell her to stop or slow down or that she was doing it wrong as she slammed her hips down again and again. No, he encouraged her passion. He reveled in the rawness of her hunger for him and met it with his own, surging so deep inside her that he touched her soul.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as they fucked. Hips bumping with the suctioning slap of her juices meeting her ears as he thrust.