Page 101 of Game Changer

“Coach and I were just talking…”

I turn and gesture to the man behind me, and Clay realizes he’s been caught out.

“He was wondering about this Apple Watch. I figured since you’re so into technology, with your electric car and everything, you could advise him.”

Clay’s eyes narrow.I’m on to you.

I shrug, innocent.What?

But the two men start to talk, and satisfaction rises up in me. I’ve given him the perfect opportunity to mend fences. Maybe even to talk about his future here.

I continue down toward the auction table, proud of my job well done.

My attention locks onto a display of frames.

The contents are intimately familiar, and my heart starts to thud.

“Wait, what are…?”

My drawings.

Five of them.

One for each of the starters, including Clay.

“They’re stunning,” a woman next to me says. “A good idea to get them signed by the players.”

Because, I realize, they are signed by the players.

* * *

After dinner and the auction, I’m still in shock.

Someone put my images up for auction. And people bought the pieces, one after another.

More than seventy thousand dollars for charity.

Until the one of Clay was scheduled to come up and the auctioneer conferred with a colleague before coming back to the mic. “I’ve been informed this piece was acquired by a private collector for an unnamed amount.”

The crowd groaned.

Robin finds me after it’s over. “Nova, that was a very generous contribution.”

“How did I not know you were doing this?” Mari demands. “Is this what you’ve been doing sneaking around and spending all that time around the team?”

“It’s wonderful.” Harlan nods in appreciation.

“But… how did you get them signed?” Mari asks.

“I helped.” Brooke loops an arm around my waist, a coy smile on her face.

Then who did this?

I can’t ask, not here.

She turns back to her date, and I sneak outside to the pool for a breath of fresh air. The patio area is empty at night, the bright-blue lights of the pool shimmering.

I suck in oxygen, grateful for a moment alone to process.