“The Kodiak Foundation charity event is this weekend. You have to go.”
“I’m pretty sure Mari will be in full wedding mode, and I’ll back her up.”
“All the team and families are invited. Which means Mari will be there, too.”
And Clay. My heart leaps.
“Then I guess I’m in.”
“How was your LA trip with Brooke?” Mari asks as we get out of the car.
“Great. We did all the shopping. Okay, mostly she did,” I amend.
“I hope the game wasn’t too boring.”
“Boring? Not at all. But not as exciting as tonight. You officially have a night off wedding planning,” I declare as I link my arm through hers.
The charity auction takes place at a fancy hotel, with chandeliers and white fabric draping the walls. I expect to not recognize anyone, but there are actually a lot of familiar faces. Everyone I make eye contact with offers me a nod or a smile.
Since Brooke and I got back from LA, I’ve been focusing on Mari, including trying to find that song recording of my mom’s. I could’ve sworn I had the file backed up. But after searching my phone and every cloud drive, I’m empty handed.
“Nova! It's so nice to see you again.” Robin, dressed in a blue satin cocktail dress, embraces me when I arrive.
“You know one another?” Mari demands when Robin turns away.
I don’t want to lie to my sister. “Yes,” I say. “But Harlan swore me to secrecy.”
Her eyes glint.
A tall, handsome guy pulls up next to Brooke before she can reply.
“This is my date,” she says.
He introduces himself, flashing perfect teeth to go with his square jaw. “We went to school together. I’m in town for the week for work.”
I scan the room. Harlan’s on the other side, chatting up donors. I see Jayden in another circle of guys in suits.
It’s a slice of what it must be like for the Kodiaks to be on the road and in a different city all the time.
Glamorous, sure.
But hard. Exhausting.
My gaze is drawn to Clay, deep in the heart of a crowd.
He texted to say that he'd had a good talk with Rookie. I’m so proud of him.
If only he could make peace with staying in Denver.
I did some searching online that corroborated the LA team is the top in the league. They have the biggest budget, the most glamorous profile, and they win.
I can understand why they would be appealing. But I wish he could be happy here, with what he has, and give the guys and the team a chance to see him as more than just the number of points he can put up in a night.
“Hey, Nova. You seen Brooke?” I’m waylaid by an irritated-looking Miles.