Page 85 of Game Changer

The energy lights the competitive fire in me.

We claw back in the first quarter.

At halftime, we’re up by four thanks to me carrying the team on my shoulders.

Coach pulls me aside in the locker room. “It’s preseason. Let Rookie play.”

“Do you want to win or not?”

He’s making me look bad, which is bad for my trade value.

“It’s a long season, Clay.”

I close the distance between us. “You know LA. They smell blood in the water, they’ll own us all year.”

When we return for the second half, I look up and see Nova in the stands.

She came all this way to see me play. Got on a plane when I know how much that fucks her up.

Sure, she doesn’t know I chartered the most comfortable plane I could get for under twenty people.


No matter what other things I’m feeling, I want to be better. For me and for her.

I try to take a back seat. I shake off Jayden and nod to Rookie. Then Rookie misses, and my frustration rises up.

I get open for Jayden, who passes to me.

A guy on the other team slams into me, and I go down hard.

“Try not to damage the merchandise.” Their point guard holds out a hand to help me up.

His words have my heart thudding harder. He’s the leader of the LA team. He’d be as likely to know what they’re talking about as anyone.

I shake him off and wait for one of my teammates to help me up.

The next ten plays are similarly brutal.

I get the ball.

They trap me.

I fight through, dragging us back in the points.

It’s painful to be part of, and I bet it's even more painful to watch.

Coach motions me over. “I got a play for you to run.” He points at the bench.

I grab the neck of my jersey in my fist. “I’m the only one who can save this.”

“There’s a nice seat for you. Enjoy it until I’ve decided you’re comfortable enough to get in the game again.”

I stomp over to my seat.

The next quarter is dismal, interrupted only by the throbbing of my knee. I ignore it.

“Coach, put me in.” I can fix this. I know it.