Page 5 of The Opponent

“Canyou grab the other end of this?” I asked from inside the back of the moving truck, standing at one end of a dark brown couch.

We were almost done moving everything in. Ford and Dom had just carried in my king-size bed frame and mattress, which barely fit through the doorway. Once we got the couch inside, there were just a few more boxes. Then Sam and I would take a break—probably on this very couch—before we started unpacking.

“Let me and Dom carry this,” Ford said.

I shrugged and bent to pick my end up. “If I got it into the truck with Sam, I’m pretty sure I can get it into the house with you.”

He lowered his brows and shook his head. “I don’t want you to hurt your back.”

I knew he was being a gentleman, but I didn’t like being told I couldn’t do things because I was a woman. It was something I’d fought my own family over for years.

“Just pick it up and let’s go,” I said.

He looked unsure, but said, “At least let me be the one going backward.”

We switched places, my hand accidentally grazing over his sweaty, defined ab muscles, making my stomach somersault. I’d never been with a man with a body like his before.

I glanced at the couch, wishing I could be wrapped around Ford on it instead of carrying it with him. But at least I could enjoy the view. My new neighbor was clearly committed to his fitness routine.

“Ready?” he asked, bending down.


We lifted it up, and I held in my groan. This thing was heavy. Sam and I had taken at least twenty breaks while loading it onto the truck, and we’d rested for five minutes afterward. I wasnotcommitted to a fitness routine. Every muscle in my body would be screaming at me tomorrow.

“You okay?” Ford asked as he walked down the ramp backward.

“Great,” I managed, my voice strained as I held onto the couch for dear life.

“Was that sarcasm?”

“Just go!” I panted with exertion from the twenty feet we’d gone so far.

“Need a break?”

“Can we not have a full conversation right now?”

He grinned, looking as comfortable as he would carrying a pillow instead of a massive leather couch. Meanwhile, sweat was pooling between my breasts, my bra and tank already soaked through.

“Hey Dom, grab the other end of this couch,” Ford said.

“No!” We were almost halfway there. I wasn’t quitting now. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine,” Dom said. “I mean, you do look fine if it’s like,damn, she’s fine,but not likeI don’t need any helpfine.”

“I will stab you,” I said, snapping. “Make another joke right now and I will stab you in the eye.”

Ford laughed as Dom put his hands up in mock surrender. “I wasn’t joking, Elle. But I get you. I’ll just walk beside you in case you need help. Silently.”

We’d reached the doorway, and Ford turned his end of the couch slightly, trying to fit it through the doorway.

“Shit,” he muttered. “I don’t think we’re gonna make it. Do those legs come off?”

“Yes.” I glanced at Dom. “Can you switch me and I’ll take the legs off?”

“You got it.”

He really was a nice guy, and he was helping me move when he could have been doing literally anything else. I felt bad for biting his head off.