I roll my eyes. “I should’ve had you leave immediately. You’re making this situation so much worse.”

It wasn’t so long ago that we were in very different places. I was where she is, in love and starting a new chapter in my life. She was where I am—except Rylan didn’t die, they just broke up. All the nights I held her when she cried, her complaining about why it was all so complicated. Now, here I am on the other side, and I hate that they all feel I’m so weak that I can’t handle this myself.

Rylan comes out and shuts the door. “He’s cool. Let’s go.” Picking up the boxes, he heads to the door.

I want to know every detail of their conversation. Did Carey tell him that we’ve already met? That I was about to give him my number? That I probably gave him fuck-me eyes at some point?

“What does that mean?” Calista asks.

“I explained that Brinley is the cousin of my wife and you both come from a huge family that protects each other like mama bears, so he should watch his step. I also informed him that he won’t be able to go a block without running into one of you Baileys and word is probably already making the rounds that Brinley has a guy roommate and he should expect to be questioned every time he leaves this apartment.”

“We are not that bad.” Calista frowns.

I share a smile with Rylan as he says, “Yes, you are. And hey, I come from a big family too. I guess that’s why I understand it. Now, can we please go christen our new house?” There’s a whine to his voice that makes me laugh.

Calista wraps her arms around me. “You’ll call me if you need me?”

I nod against her shoulder. “Go. Have sex.”

She tightens her arms so hard you’d think I was leaving for years. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” I push her back. “Now go!”

They leave the apartment, and as soon as the front door shuts, Carey’s bedroom door opens.



I try to strip the smile off my face, but having her cousin’s husband warn me off is too fucking cute for me not to find it humorous.

Rylan said they’d be leaving right away, so I listened by my door. As soon as the apartment door shut, I opened my door, not wanting to give Brinley time to hide out in her bedroom. I definitely catch her off guard because her back is plastered to the front door and her gaze ping-pongs everywhere but on me.

“Can we talk?” I ask.

She pushes off the door and steps forward. She’s dressed more relaxed today, in pants that hug her ass and a short sweatshirt. Her blonde hair, thrown up in a messy bun, makes me want to release it to see her long strands fall around her face.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t ask him to do that. They’re all just so… protective.” There’s more she’s not saying, but I don’t get a chance to ask because she continues. “I wish I could tell you that will be the last time someone says something like that if you stay here, but it won’t be. I have twenty-five cousins and eight sets of aunts and uncles, my parents, and a younger brother who, thankfully, is in college right now. Going in there… Rylan did it for Calista because he’ll do anything to make her happy, but it was uncalled for and I’m sorry.”

I chuckle and walk over to the couch. “When you say if, is that because you want me to leave because you thought I was a woman?” I sit on the couch but don’t ask her to join me. I want to see if she will on her own.

She sits in the chair next to the couch. “I didn’t even think about Carey being a guy’s name too. And truthfully, I’m in shock.”

“First of all, call me Van. It’s my middle name and I’ve always preferred it over Carey. Also, if you want me to leave, I will. You shouldn’t be uncomfortable in your own home.”

She crosses her legs and fiddles with the edges of her sweatshirt sleeves, staring at them. “Why did you act like you didn’t know me?” Her gaze rises and meets mine.

I feel sucker punched because I see a small amount of hurt in her eyes, as though it would bother her if I didn’t remember her.

I shrug, playing off how much the idea of hurting her affects me. “Honestly, you seem like someone who keeps things close to the chest and I figured maybe you didn’t want them to know we met a couple days ago. I’ll admit, it was a lucky surprise to find out your name and that I might be sharing an apartment with you.”

“Nothing can happen now.” She shakes her head just in case I don’t understand English, I guess.


“No. I mean it.” She unwinds her legs and stands. “I’m not like that. That wasn’t me that afternoon.” She disappears into the kitchen, and I want to follow her, but I don’t.

“I said okay,” I call to her.