“What game are you playing now?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at her.
“I didn’t want you to fight Ivo, that’s all.”
“Because he’s kind, and he doesn’t deserve your anger because you aren’t getting what you want.” She sat down primly on one of his thicker pillows, a long leg revealed from underneath the sheet. “You put your attention on silly things, Greed. Ivo is a wonderful guard and a good man.”
“Stop complimenting him,” he growled.
“And why should I? Everyone deserves compliments when they’re doing a good job.”
Something in him snapped. He could almost hear it cracking in half as he stalked across the room. Footsteps silent. He was at her side in an instant with his hand buried in her hair. He tilted her head up to look at him, and a ghost of something horrible moved across her face.
She didn’t like that. And he didn’t know why.
Greed crouched in front of her, then raked his claws through her hair instead. He paid close attention to her scalp, watching her eyes close in pleasure at his petting.
“You are mine,” he growled. “My thief that I found in the desert. The treasure I unearthed in that first cave. And my Varya that I licked and petted in a tomb. You hear me? Every part of you is special to me, and I dislike sharing your attention with anyone else.”
“I am no one’s but my own,” she whispered, but the words didn’t seem truthful.
Dragging her forward, he skated his lips over hers. Not a kiss. A claiming.
“Soon you will see,” he whispered against her mouth. She chased his movements, begging for his touch. “You are mine and I am yours, treasure. And I will let nothing stand between us.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“I know enough to feel your spell weave around me. I am enraptured by your adventurous spirit and hearty mind.” He kissed her then, branding her with his touch. “Soon there will be time to know each other better. For now, I wish you healed.”
She sagged as he released her, moving toward him like she couldn’t quite stop herself. She wanted to touch him, too.
He gave her a wicked grin as a knock echoed on his door. The healers would see to her. They would take care of his treasure, building her back to perfect health so that he could play with her once again.
Greed stood and made his way to the door, casting one last look at her. Rumpled and wrapped in his sheets.
And, ach, he could not wait to see her like that again.
Varya lost track of how much time she’d been in this place. It was beautiful, and the luxury certainly got to her head. Every morning, she woke up with sunlight playing over her features through the leaves. Cool air caressed her skin, and even cooler silk pooled around her body.
Greed had been more than attentive. And strangely enough, it made her feel a little better to see him so concerned over her wellbeing. He was always close by if she needed him. The moment she sat up, he was there. If she was hungry, he was already bringing food in. And though he hadn’t touched her again yet, she knew that he wanted to.
He looked at her with heat in his eyes and plans on his mind. She knew that. She could see it every time he brushed his fingers through her hair or asked if she was feeling better. But he never once touched her as she wanted him to.
Why? She had no idea.
And today she was going to find out.
Rolling out of bed, she searched through the entire room for clothing. Greed had kept her in here to heal, and he insisted that her broken ribs and plentiful cuts required her to stay out of clothing so that his healers could check her over easier. At least he’d stopped dragging those poor healers into the room twice a day. They’d always looked like they were about to fall over from a single push of his finger.
Why was there no clothing in this room? Not a single article. She’d even gone through the trunks that were hidden behind the giant fronds on the opposite side of the room.
Blowing out an exasperated breath, she stared at the bed again. It was a shame to rip up that lovely silk that would have sold for a year’s worth of food, but he didn’t give her much of a choice.
If she tore the sheets with a little more zeal than she should have, Varya wouldn’t tell anyone. It wasn’t like there were witnesses to what she did, after all.
“Should have given me some clothes,” she muttered as she tore arm holes in the sheet and started weaving it around her body. “What a shame.”