Page 55 of The Demon Crown

He took his time washing her. Saying nothing other than small growls of anger every time he found a new wound or bruise. And it made her eyes sting with unshed tears because no one had ever taken care of her like this.

Greed even put his attention underneath her nails. Somehow producing a small brush that he vigorously scrubbed underneath her fingernails as though he wanted to remove the Horde’s skin and blood from every inch of her body.

Varya must have made some noise. He looked up at her and that angry expression on his face softened into something that hurt to look at.

He paused in his task and cupped her cheek with his palm. “What is it, treasure?”

“Why are you being so kind to me?”

She knew he probably didn’t understand it, either. His expression was one of complete and utter shock, as though he had never expected this reaction from himself either.

Greed’s thumb skated over her right eye, and she remembered getting punched in the face and the pain of that bone aching. How could she see out of it? How had she forgotten that so quickly?

His eyes darkened for a moment before he drew her attention back to the present. “You’re safe now.”

And those words. Oh, how they ran right through her as though he’d stuck a blade into her chest.

A single tear spilled out of that eye that had nearly been broken for good. Greed caught it on his thumb and brought the tear to his mouth. She watched with rapt attention as he licked that thick thumb clean and then scooped her back into his arms. Leaving puddles of water in their wake, he strode into the bedroom and set her down on her feet.

With careful attention, always so careful, he wrapped a silk blanket around her as though that was the best way to dry her. And then he pushed her down onto the bed, so soft and cushioned it felt like a cloud, before he sat down on the edge with her.

Greed took his time arranging her hair on the pillow. His attention was so heady and so focused on her that Varya felt herself squirm.

“We’ll wash your hair tomorrow when you’re feeling better,” he murmured. “For now, you need more rest.”


“There is no safer place in this kingdom than in my bed.” Greed pressed a kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering on her skin. “Rest now, treasure. I will tend to your wounds and watch over you while you sleep.”

She shouldn’t need more rest after days of resting, but she was tired. The bath had taken every ounce of her energy, even though she’d done nothing, and...

Sighing, she turned her head into the smooth, cool, soft pillow and felt herself drift as Greed lifted her arm and started to cover each scrape and cut with a sweet smelling salve.


He was in so far over his head. Greed had brought her to his own bedroom, by all the seven kingdoms! What stupid thought had made him bring her here?

He had quarters for when his women visited. He knew where to bring them, and it wasn’t his own private chambers. He made their skin soft with oils that he kept in that other room. He fed them the most exquisite of meals and indulged in every one of his senses with them. He could be greedy there, wanting all of their desire for himself.

But here? This was his sanctuary. It was his own place of safety where no one but himself and his guards came. And now she was in this space. Her golden hair spilling over his pillows and her scent already filling his sheets. He wouldn’t be able to sleep in that bed without smelling her for months on end.

And he liked that. He wanted to smell her, even when she was no longer within his grasp. That thought scared him more than anything else this far.

Greed didn’t want her for any reason other than her beauty and her addition to his collection. He couldn’t afford to want more. He wasn’t Lust, and he certainly didn’t have a personality that many people would want to stay around.

He was alone. For a reason. And that had to stay that way.

With an entire kingdom to run, Greed had more important things to do than look after a little human who had gotten herself in trouble. She could have stayed with the healers and he could have continued his work uncovering all the lying advisors who had made it seem as though their cities were doing well enough. Instead, here he was again. Checking in on Varya.

He shifted a strand of hair away from her face so it didn’t tickle her awake. She’d been sleeping a lot, but the healers insisted she had to. Her body was already healing very well on its own, and the potions they gave her would aid her own body’s abilities. That black eye was nearly gone, and most of the bruises all over her had paled to a sickly yellow. The cuts were all sealed, and he’d even taken her bandages off yesterday. But she was still so weak.

Years ago, even months ago, her weakness would have disgusted him. Humans were so fragile and so incapable of keeping up with him and his brothers. He enjoyed them for what they could provide and then tossed them aside. He always held himself back from truly enjoying their company, in case he broke one of them.

Some of his brothers had no such qualms. Gluttony and Sloth were the worst of the lot, but he tried not to think about them when he stared down at her lovely, pale face. It made his heart squeeze to see her like this. She wasn’t meant to be lying in a bed helpless. She must hate it as much as he did.

Still, she would not get up anytime soon, and he needed to be sure that his advisors were punished. If not only because they lied to him, but because they hadn’t warned him about the Horde.

And now he would hunt down every member who aligned with those fools, every person who had given them information, and every single madman who thought they’d get away with buying or selling to the Horde. He would tear them all into pieces for the small part they had played in her injuries.