Who would dare interrupt him in this? He punished a man who deserved to be punished. A man who had no right to take from his people, and therefore to steal from Greed himself.
Then he saw a flash of deep green in the back of the crowd. A green he recognized.
As he peered through the crowd, Greed saw the glint of gold and a dark mask that covered her face.
Ah, but his treasure hadn’t been able to stay away from him for very long, it seemed. Perhaps she’d even been following him.
“Say it again,” he called out, his voice deep and gruff.
He knew that voice anywhere. How could he forget it?
The crowd took up the call as well, and just as he felt Oryx go limp in his hands, he dragged the man out of the water and slammed him down on the ground hard enough that his lungs spewed the fluid out. Rolling onto his side, Oryx coughed and curled into a ball as Greed looked at his guards and raised a brow.
“I’m going hunting,” he snarled. “Clean up this mess.”
“As you wish,” Morag replied, already circling Oryx on the ground like a predator around its prey.
And then Greed took off through the crowd, following the flash of gold and green that disappeared between the sandy buildings.
It shouldn’t be so thrilling to run from him. Varya shouldn’t feel a little zing of excitement as she raced down the alleyway and into the next. He was a demon hunting her. She’d heard the words he’d told his guards.
He would not let her go this time. She was certain of it. The desire to control her had been right there in his eyes the moment he’d realized who was standing in the crowd.
He was dangerous. A beast wearing the clothes of a man and she knew just how little equipped she was to handle him. He’d let her go the last time he’d seen her, but he wasn’t likely to make that mistake a second time.
Feet slamming on the ground, she forced her thighs to work through the burn of running in sand. She had to get away from him, or maybe she just wanted to see how long he’d chase her.
Mere heartbeats later, she could hear him. His booted feet made quick work of the distance between them, as though he was made to run through sand like this. She’d thought he would be a lazy king, one who stayed in his castle and never once came out to see all those he ruled. She’d thought that she had gotten the better of him, shouting that he was a terrible ruler who had left his people to thirst and hunger.
But he’d... surprised her. Just as he surprised her now with his speed and agility as he raced through the buildings after her.
A low growl struck her spine, and she felt him reaching for her. Clawed hands already outstretched. But she was faster than this. She could prove herself a little more before he ever laid a hand on her.
She spun down the next alleyway, but she didn’t really know where she was going. Varya wasn’t even supposed to be here in this tiny town without a name. She’d been coming back from watching the Horde’s movements, as the group had apparently gotten wind that she’d stolen the Goblet of Eternity.
Then she’d seen him. Greed and his two guards. Not nearly enough protection for a man who had already fallen once to the Horde. And something in her gut said to follow him. To make sure that his guards did their job this time, just in case. What if she had to help him again, because no one else would risk their neck for such a fool?
And now, here she was. Running away from him down alleyways that were growing tighter and tighter the more she ran.
Until she found herself staring at a dead end.
Breathing hard, she looked around, searching for whatever details she might use to her advantage. But there were no laundry lines, nothing other than three tall stone walls on either side of her. No crates. No windows. Nowhere for her to go.
He seemed to know that.
Another growl echoed from behind her as the predator stalked his prey. She stood still, her back to him. Varya flexed her hands at her sides, promising herself that she would not, under any circumstances, show fear. He didn’t deserve to win her fear after chasing her through the streets like that.
It wasn’t fear that made her chest feel hot and her cheeks burn. It was a flash of memory that nearly brought her to her knees.
A warm tongue between her thighs, strong hands holding her down as she wriggled against him, the sound of his groans as he’d tasted her for the first time. And then it was like she was right there again. His warm breath fanning down her neck, a heated palm touching her belly and pulling her against a muscular chest that was as still as the sand on a windless day.
He lowered his lips to her ear, and a shiver traveled down her spine. Gooseflesh rose all over her body, and she wanted to beg him to touch her again. Just as he had before.
This was all so stupid. He was a demon king and she shouldn’t want him in the slightest, but she had been so lonely for such a long time. Would it be all that bad to let him touch her? She didn’t have to go on all these adventures and dangerous supply runs and seek all the magical artifacts she could find when he was right here. Wanting to give.