That wicked mouth did things to her that no mouth should. She shook and shivered against his touch and then arched up with a curse as he slid the handle of the flogger inside her. He worked her with gentle strokes, bringing her up to a frenzy with his lips, hands, and tongue. He pushed her further and further to the very edge of madness, not nearly giving her what she wanted, but close... close...
He wrenched the flogger out of her and stood. Varya whimpered. She’d been so close and he was the one who had stopped.
But then he slid inside her, that massive cock spreading her wide and forcing her to take him. He slammed into her, forcing her body to stretch around him, and then she was screaming. Coming hard around his cock because that was what she had wanted for so many nights now, and finally he was inside her.
He stayed perfectly still while she came, surrounded by her and buried to the very root. He let her have her moment and endured it with her until she was shaking and limp beneath him.
Then he leaned down, wrenched up her head, and whispered, “You said to hit you while I fucked you, Varya, and I intend to do just that.”
He let her go and then the crack of the flogger came again. Spreading over her ass cheeks and sending hot fire up her spine. He slammed into her again,crack, then pulled out and slammed again. Each time harder, more furious, more unstoppable than the time before, and she couldn’t even think.
They existed in this bubble of pleasure and pain and torment and she wanted to tell him that he was an asshole, but she also didn’t want him to stop for even a second. He was devouring her body and soul and it was so perfect that she couldn’t think past the slide of his cock inside her, the slap of flesh on flesh, and the blistering orgasm that surprised her again.
Her entire body clenched hard around his. She hissed out a long breath, incapable of even making a noise as he slammed home, harder than ever before, buried so deep it almost hurt.
Then she felt him coming inside her and spraying her with everything she’d wanted.
Both of them were breathing hard by the time they were finished. She was probably decorated in red stripes and didn’t care in the slightest. He was still dirty from the journey, likely still covered in blood, and she had never felt more like the treasure he’d called her.
Because in this moment, she was the gift for the avenging warlord who had protected his people. She was his reward and damn if she didn’t love every second of this moment.
“Greed,” she whispered, tilting her head to accept his kiss. “That was...”
“Exactly how it should always be between us,” he filled in as he slumped to her side. He slid out of her and she hated the sudden emptiness of it.
If she could keep him inside her forever, she would.
Breathing hard, she stared up at the ceiling and tried to get her bearings. She’d wanted to talk to him about something, hadn’t she? Wasn’t there something they needed to talk about?
Ah. Right.
She rolled onto her side so she could look at him, watching his face as though she had never seen it before.
He wore an expression of peace that made her so happy to see. Like he was finally at ease, with no worries or fears or desires.
“Everything’s different now, isn’t it?” she whispered.
“Did that feel any different?”
“Well, no.” She rolled her eyes at his grin. “Greed.”
“That’s the only thing that doesn’t feel different. You’re here with the rest of my town, and somehow not angry that they are taking so much from you. Food, time, likely stealing from you as well. I don’t understand it, and I think you do.” Varya watched him to see if there was any flicker of truth in his eyes after she said that. “Right?”
He palmed her hip, gently rubbing the red marks he’d left that had curled around to her front. “Do you remember what I told you about my brother? The one who had found his new bride?”
“Yes.” She hadn’t forgotten the story of the poor woman who had nearly died. That was why she had a spirit inside her as well.
“Good. The whole point of that story was for me to tell you that a demon king changed who he was because of a woman. And I had thought...” He stared into her eyes and she saw something else in them. “I had thought that falling in love with a woman would be the answer. But then I fell in love with you and I was still the greedy fucker that I’d always been.”
“And still are,” she added with a grin.
“Mildly.” He shrugged. “It’s part of who I am. However, I realized I am not like Lust. I didn’t need you to change, nor did Lust need Selene. We both had to be realistic about who we were and want to change for ourselves.”
She frowned. “Are you saying you changed?”
“I did.” Greed nodded and then slid his hand all the way up her body to cup her jaw. “Partly for you. And partly for me.”