“So what was it?”
A part of him didn’t want to tell Gluttony. He wanted his brother to go through it all himself, just like Greed and Lust had. But the other part, ach, it saw Gluttony in a different light. “I needed to find a new use for myself. Stop being a greedy bastard who thought only about himself and I suppose...” He gestured to the crowd again. “They did it for me.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Probably.” Greed clapped him on the back. “Enjoy your own merriment, brother. I have a woman to find.”
“And to fuck if I know you well enough.”
“You know me very well.”
With a wink that felt like a promise, Greed started off to find his bride.
He had to wade through crowds of people, but thankfully they disappeared as he reached their more private areas. Even his guards had been aware that he’d want time alone with Varya.
Ivo and Morag stood in front of the stairwell that led to his private chambers. Their arms over their chests, their eyes slashing toward every single movement. He’d never been more grateful for either of them.
Walking almost in between them, he clapped his hands on their shoulders. “You both deserve a little time to enjoy yourselves as well. Run off with you.”
“One of us should stay,” Morag replied. “Just in case.”
“No one is going to find us. Besides, you have a bed mate to find.” He cast a glance toward Ivo and grinned. “And you have another one to chase, I imagine. Still fighting against every ounce of yourself to get her?”
Ivo tried so hard not to grin, but he gave it away immediately. “Ach, she’s a pretty little thing with a heart of fire. I suspect it’ll take quite a while before she bends to me.”
“Enjoy the hunt, my brother.”
And then he walked away from them, allowing them to make their own choice of what they wanted to do. Namely because he had a woman waiting for him. A woman with a heart of gold and beauty that stole his breath away.
She stood waiting for him in the doorway. She’d changed into a lovely, sheer nightgown that hid nothing from his view in the slightest. Leaning against the doorframe with the afternoon sun pouring over her body, he forgot how to speak at the sight of her.
“Are you finally here for me?” she asked, clearly amused that he’d gotten so distracted. “I’ve been waiting for hours, demon king.”
He could have dropped to his knees then and there. She was so beautiful and so perfect for him that it was a distraction.
He wanted... Her. Just her.
And so he would have her.
She didn’t recognize the look in his eyes as he stalked into the room. Though it was still her Greed in front of her, she also thought perhaps this was someone else. This was... more.
He looked at her like a man possessed. Like she was the most important thing in his life, and right now? His attention was only on her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be the only one that he was focused on, though. All of a sudden, it seemed like a lot of pressure.
“Greed,” she said, walking backward as he followed her. “Can we talk for a moment?”
“There will be time for talking. That time is not right now.”
“Ah.” A thrill of pleasure zinged through her body. Those eyes watched every single move she made. From the deep breath that she pulled in to the flutter of her pulse at the base of her neck.
She felt so beautiful when he looked at her like that.
And suddenly she wasn’t sure she could do this right now. She’d been covered in blood the last time he’d seen her, and they had both murdered an entire group of people. She’d almost been... she couldn’t even think the word still, and what if that made him want her less?
What if everything was different between the two of them because she’d revealed everything to him? Not just assumed he understood when she vaguely hinted at their actions. She’d admitted everything and he might very well feel it made her lesser. Or tainted. Or…
“Varya,” he murmured, his voice deep and soothing.