“This is not my army.” His voice had deepened into a low growl. “These are just the scouts.”
And as he turned to look at Gluttony, he had the distinct pleasure of seeing his brother’s face pale. Perhaps this was the first moment that Gluttony realized just how powerful Greed had become. If there were a war between the kingdoms, Greed did not fear for his own. He would not attack any other kingdom, but he would protect his own.
These people would fight beside him. Each one more mad than the next, desiring blood and looting at the end of it all.
He tilted back his head and let out a roar that could be heard even over the thunderous cries of his scouts. “I promise you wealth!” he shouted. “I promise you glory! I promise you all the looting and maiming you desire! Whatever you find is yours. Take it and make your king proud!”
Reaching into his pack, where they always were, he drew out the twin daggers that had always been his preference for fighting. Lifting them crossed over his head, he squeezed his thighs around his mount and rode forward through the crowd.
A stream of a hundred men and women followed him across the desert, their thirst for blood fueling him.
If he found her, Greed was going to kill her. Well, not really. Varya didn’t worry that he’d ever hurt her. The man didn’t have it in him to raise a hand, but he’d roll her up in a blanket and then lock her in a closet for a while.
But she would not stand by and let his army fight on behalf of a people they’d forgotten a long time ago. The castle folk weren’t the same as the rest of those in his kingdom. They saw the world through rose-colored glasses and the protection of their king. And so few of them were lucky enough to even get to work there.
The warriors of Greed were impressive, with years and years of training under their belts. And still they didn’t help her people if they saw them in need. No one did.
The desert people of this kingdom had to survive on their own, with no one willing to help them. And if that meant that Varya had to sneak herself onto a horse and clamber over a few stone stairwells to get here, then that was fine.
She’d covered her face with her old mask. Greed didn’t even know she still had it, and considering how out of it he’d been when he first saw her, she wasn’t too worried. Her hair was hidden underneath a pale yellow hood that would hopefully not roast her alive while they spent hours underneath the desert sun.
They’d find the Horde. She would make sure of it.
Initially, Varya had hoped to get in with a group of the scouts that were headed in the opposite direction of Greed, but she knew one of the Horde’s hideouts, and that was a good place to start. Unfortunately, that meant joining the group right next to Greed.
She kept her head down, making sure that her eyes never lifted to his. Instead, she watched the horizon. Someone would think she was doing her job if they saw her. They’d think she was a damn good scout, ready to find her king’s most hated enemy. This was good. She was a fantastic actress.
“Varya,” the word echoed from beside her, buttery smooth, like silk sliding over her skin.
Damn it.
“Gluttony,” she whispered under her breath, turning away from Greed to look at his brother. Somehow, he’d snuck up on her. “Don’t give me away.”
“Are you trying to give me an order?”
“I will cut off all your hair in your sleep and glue it to your arms,” she hissed. “Don’t try me. I’m going to hunt because I’m the only one who knows where the Horde usually is.”
“Maybe I will join your group, then.” He adjusted himself in the saddle, looking very much like he was uncomfortable. “One knows I don’t wish to be in the sun any longer than required. Did you know that my kingdom rarely has sunny days? It’s always slightly overcast and misty. Absolutely beautiful.”
It sounded horrible to her.
Varya made a face, wrinkling her nose and shaking her head before she replied. “You’re trying to distract me. Are you going to tell Greed?”
“Of course not. But he’s going to find out sooner rather than later.”
“Not if you don’t tell him.”
“He’s already halfway into his battle form, little thief. Do you think he won’t smell you?” Gluttony tapped his nose, then pointed a clawed finger behind her. “You’d best get a move on. He’s already in a hunting mood, and I hate to think what he’ll do when he realizes you aren’t safely tucked into your bed.”
Shit, she was in so much trouble.
Varya cast a glance over her shoulder and she swore she saw Greed’s nostrils flare. Like he had scented her on the wind. Maybe it was time for her to get going.
Kicking the sides of her horse, she sped away from the others, forcing her beast to run faster until she was at the head of her scouting party. Perhaps that gave her away, but she knew the direction to go. Anyone who tried to tell her otherwise was an idiot. None of them knew this kingdom like she did. Not a single one.
The scouting party veered to follow her, and the only time she looked back, she saw Gluttony had joined their group as well. The idiot. He was going to give her away far more than her own actions.