She had woken when he left, but Varya hadn’t wanted him to know. Even though her entire body was slick with sweat and other fluid she didn’t want to think about, she was still ready for him. She’d wanted him to come back, slide underneath the covers, and give her all the attention that she so desperately wanted.
It had never been enough. No matter how many times he made her clench around that beautiful, thick cock, it wasn’t enough. And not because her body wanted more. No, she was more sore between her legs than she’d ever been in her life. She wanted more because the spirit inside her wanted to push a little harder.
Just what would happen if she did this? What if she arched her back like so? What would happen if she used a little teeth, even though he’d hissed at her not to do it?
Varya wasn’t complaining. The spirit had very interesting ideas that she agreed with. What she couldn’t understand was why it was in her head, talking as though it was another person existing inside her body.
Once the door closed, she sat straight up in bed. “Are you listening to me?”
“How long are you gong to be able to listen to me?” She tilted her head to the side, wondering if this was just the beginning stages of the bond and if it would fade away.
“Forever if you wish.”The spirit seemed to hesitate before adding, “Unless you wish me to go.”
Did she want the little spirit to be gone? It was rather unnerving to have someone else talking to her inside her head. Varya hadn’t been quite so aware of her own thoughts in a very long time. It had always just been her own voice and now it was two people, and that was rather disorienting.
But she didn’t mind the thoughts that it gave her, and she didn’t mind the suggestions it liked to give so... Well, maybe they could try it a little while?
“How long do I have to make a choice before we’re stuck with each other?” she asked.
“We’re already stuck with each other. I live inside you.“
Right. Well.
How strange was it that she was talking to thin air? Varya wasn’t certain that she’d get over this.
Running a hand through her hair, she stood up and went to get dressed. Of course, her clothes were everywhere, and it took a rather long time to even find them. Why were her pants hanging up there on that leaf?
A flash of memory had a vision of Greed in her mind, his eyes flashing yellow and slitted like a cat while he peeled these pants off her the last time she’d tried to put them on. He’d thrown them over his shoulder before diving between her thighs with a growl that still made a shudder dance down her spine.
Ah, but that man did make her quiver. Even the spirit inside her did a little shake, shuddering underneath her ribcage in a rather concerning movement before its attention turned to something else.
“You’re still thinking about your family,”it whispered in her mind. “You think they are in danger.”
Of course she did.
The Horde hadn’t disappeared just because she wasn’t there. They would continue to fight and claw and tear away at the world until they got what they wanted. And therein lay the problem.
She was here. Safe and sound and well taken care of. Well fucked, as well, if she were being honest with herself. While the rest of her people stayed in their homes, terrified and uncertain of their future.
“Wouldn’t it be an adventure to sneak out?”The little spirit said, vibrating so hard that she could feel the hairs on her arms rise. “We could leave right now, he wouldn’t know. He’s with his brother. You’ve already stolen one of his mounts before, and then we’d disappear into the sands too quickly for him to catch. The dunes will hide us, and then we can find your people. We could gather them into an army! We could—”
She had to stop the spirit before it started making more sense than it already did. “I promised I wouldn’t do that.”
The door creaked open and her eyes flew to Greed, standing in the doorway. Though she’d expected him to be angry, that perhaps his eyes would flash with more anger than ever before, he only looked tired. “Promised you wouldn’t do what, treasure?”
She should lie.
She should tell him something that would make him forget this ever happened. Or fall to her knees again and draw him into her mouth, since she knew he loved that so much.
But she couldn’t lie. Not now. Not when her heart thudded hard in her chest at the sight of him, and when her entire body clenched to be nearer to him.
They didn’t really know each other. Or maybe they did. Maybe her heart knew his, and she was the only one holding them back.
So instead of lying, she chose a better path. “The spirit you gave me isn’t quiet, Greed. I’d argue that it’s quite loud.”