Page 102 of The Demon Crown

And with that, the sister walked away from them with a spring in her step and a jaunty whistle that echoed through the jungle leaves surrounding them.

She stood there, awkwardly, trying to look anywhere but Ivo considering they’d both thrown their own version of punches. She hadn’t meant to threaten the gardener. Not really. Besides, none of her friends would be interested in someone who worked for the castle. Altan certainly would not be leaving his tiny desert town any time soon.

Damn it, she had to let go of her pride. Blowing out a long breath, she rolled her eyes up to the sky and tried her best. “I shouldn’t have said anything about the gardener. I know you...”

“Her name is Bella,” he muttered. “No one calls her by her name, but it’s the most beautiful word I’ve ever heard.”

It was strange, hearing a declaration like that from a man his size. He was massive. Taller than any person she’d ever seen, and yet he had no fear using words that were so soft they rivaled the down of a duckling.

“Ivo,” she whispered, waiting until he looked back at her. “Can’t you see what I want? You talk about Bella like she’s the only person in the world that exists. You tell everyone who will listen about her beauty, grace, talent in the gardens, her kindness, how her smiles make you feel like you’re made of liquid gold. All those words are so lovely and that is what I wish to hear about myself.”

His face paled.

“No,” she muttered, waving her hand at him. “Not like that. I don’t wantyouto say them to me. I want Greed to say them to me. He’s not a man of words, and he’s said that to me already. But I need to hear those words. I need to hear him say that I’m important or that he even cares!”

The problem was laid out before her, and she hated it. She hated that she was weak enough to need those words. Everyone had a certain way to show the people they loved that they were loved, and Greed was a man of action. It was her own insecurities and weakness that made her need more from him.

It wasn’t fair to Greed, she knew that. She understood that he only knew how to love in certain ways and that she couldn’t expect anything else from him but...

She did.

She wanted more. Needed more. And he couldn’t give her that.

Ivo ran a hand through his dark hair, the locks sticking up in all directions. “I don’t think he can do that for you, Varya. Though I always thought he was quite good at talking to you. I’m on the other side of the door all the time, you know. So I hear more than I should.”

Her face flamed. “That’s not exactly when I need to hear him talk.”

“Ah.” Ivo nodded, his brows furrowed in concentration. “So that’s why you tell him to shut up so often. I’d wondered. I thought women liked it when men told them they were a good girl and to—”

She had never moved so fast. One moment she was standing in front of him, and the next, she’d slapped her hand down over his mouth so hard it must have hurt.

Ivo’s wide-eyed gaze met hers, obviously wondering what had just happened.

“Don’t say that stuff in public,” she hissed. “Private words for private times. If you want to tell Bella that, I’m sure she’ll appreciate it, but people don’t just talk about what should be said only in the bedroom where anyone could overhear them.”

Laughter erupted at her words, coming from behind her at the same moment she felt warmth flood over her entire body. Greed. He was the only one who made her blush from head to toe just by being near.

After the laughter came the sound of clapping. She spun around to see both Greed and Gluttony stride into the arena. They both wore travel clothes, tighter pants than normal and a white billowing shirt. Matching, but oh so different. Where Gluttony was dark and tightly laced, Greed already looked as though he was halfway through taking his clothes off.

Rings glittered on his fingers, a heavy necklace hung around his neck. And she’d never wanted to snap a chain that badly. Just to see what he would do if she ruined another one of his precious gems.

“I’m glad to hear you aren’t entertaining his words,” Greed said, his mouth twisted in that handsome smile. “I’d have to take his tongue if he said any more to you.”

“Greed,” she hissed. “He’s your friend.”

“And you are mine.”

He said the word so simply. As if there was no argument she could utter that would convince him otherwise. She was his. That was all. Nothing else could be added to that statement and it sent her heart racing.

“I suppose I am,” she whispered, releasing Ivo, who straightened.

He ran a hand down his chest, seemed to think better of saying anything else, and then promptly left. Along with Gluttony, who was already asking some asinine question that Varya didn’t care to listen to.

Her eyes were only for the demon standing too far away from her. The man who had sent her entire world upside down, inside out, and all wrong. But all right at the same time.

Perhaps some of her thoughts had shown on her face, because his expression flickered into something like pain before he reached out his hand for her to take. “Come with me, treasure. We have a lot to talk about.”

By all the gods, she couldn’t argue with him. Not like this.