His lungs expanded in a huge gasp of air as he met his brother’s gaze in both horror and hope. “I’m not,” he whispered. “I’m not a spirit of lust.”
“Then what are you?” Greed leaned forward, licking his lips and eyeing him with an emotion that Lust could not name. “What are you now, brother?”
He stretched his hands out in front of him and eyed them. There were faint lines there now, lines he’d seen in the mirror as well. Not necessarily bad changes, but a softening of his features, a warmth in his soul that he hadn’t noticed before.
“Love,” he replied, his voice little more than a croak. “I think I’m a spirit of love now.”
Greed slammed his spine back against his chair, his eyes wide as he shook his head. “It shouldn’t be possible. We’ve been in mortal form for a thousand years. We can’t change.”
“Apparently we can.”
Under duress, his magic, the spirit that had given him life, gave up its desire. And instead, it had planted a deep and soul binding love for a single woman who had changed his life for the better.
What would he do without her now?
Groaning, he palmed his head in his hands and leaned over his knees. “I can’t lose her now.”
His heart stuttered in his chest, squeezing even at the thought of losing her when she had changed him so much. She was the reason for the breath in his lungs, but he also knew that he would continue on without her. He’d bring her as part of his soul, changing the way he ruled this kingdom and likely for the better.
She’d shown him there was more to the chase than a quick fuck, or a long term understanding. He no longer wished to provide someone a life if only they shared their body but never their thoughts.
He wanted a connection, now. He wanted to know what someone was thinking and feeling and he wanted to know the names of their children.
How long had he spent inside Lara’s body and yet he didn’t even know the name of her child? Or how old her daughter was? He’d never cared once, and now he cared.
More than just about Selene, but about every person in his kingdom who deserved more than just his fleeting attention. They deserved his love just as they had so willingly given their own.
Fuck, this made life a lot more difficult, didn’t it?
Greed shook his head in disbelief one more time, but then leaned forward to match Lust’s position. “This changes things.”
“No, really? I thought life would continue forward as usual.”
“Don’t be a dick. Listen, you were going to have to deal with this, eventually. She’s still out, and very mortal. If you’re going to drag out her death, then maybe it’s better to let her go now.”
“Stop talking.” He lifted his hand in the air, glaring at his brother with every ounce of anger that he could muster. “We’re not letting her die. And I’ve already thought about her mortality enough for the day. We’ll continue this tomorrow while I attempt to understand how my spirit has changed.”
Affection cleared its throat, the light sound bubbling through the room until both of them glared at it.
“What?” Lust snapped. “Is there more that you want to reveal?”
“Actually, yes.” It floated closer to him, hovering just an inch above the floor. “Selene is still asleep. Her body is fighting very hard to stay alive, but I’m not entirely sure she will win that fight.”
“See?” Greed pointed at the spirit. “I’m not making it up to control you.”
“But she could have an advantage if I do something to help.”
He stared up at the spirit, not following its thoughts. “How could you help?”
“I would rather show you.” Affection held out a small pillar of light that looked rather like a hand. “I think she will say yes, but I also think it’s very important that we all be there for it.”
“She’s awake?” He stood as though in a dream, letting the spirit draw him toward the door.
“Not yet. I’ll have to ask her in her mind, you see, but I think she’ll still approve of it. And I want you to be there when it happens.”
Why? What was the spirit intending to do?
He tossed a look over his shoulder and Greed stood as though he’d aged a hundred years in the past few moments. His lion-like brother shook his head of flaming hair and then took off after them.