Page 19 of My Single Dad SEAL

"True, but all that went out the window recently, didn't it?"

"I am not having this discussion with you, sir." She added the sir with an attitude.

"Fair enough."

"This conversation went off on a tangent quite fast. And mind you we are not the only ones in the car. And maybe I did check you out a little. You would do the same if I was naked in front of you, which technically, I was, and you did."

"If you were naked in front of me, checking you out would be the last thing I would do to you."

"Mr. Harvey, what is wrong with you?"

I wanted to respond to her saying that it beats me too.

"Just call me George. And I brought this up because I am tired of your pretense. I affect you just as much as you affect me. Deal with it. It's fine to be attracted to each other. What would be wrong is doing something about it. You are too young, and then there's Lily."

"I think the priority of your reasons for staying away from me are out of order, but you are forty-four. You are not that much older than I am."

"But I am old enough and that is the point," I replied, turning my head to the side to look out the window. I was done talking.

I didn’t know why I did what I did, I just knew that I had to shut it down. Not because of her but because of me. Three days was a long time to be stuck with her. I didn’t trust myself, not anymore.

I rolled my arm, trying to relieve the pain from my left shoulder. The pain was back, and this time it was with full force. Five years after leaving the Navy and I still have to deal with the pain. My doctor insisted that I stop overworking myself, but that was the only thing that could get me tired enough to go to bed without waking up in the middle of the night from insomnia, nightmares, or other reasons.

The only other thing that helps my insomnia is having a good orgasm before I sleep but I have not had that in a while, since I ended things with Kesiena. Normally, I would have moved on. I had no attachments to her whatsoever, but I couldn't get myself to. The only one my body wanted was seated next to me.

She made me understand what temptation truly was, because every day, stepping into that office was a temptation. Every surface suddenly became viable options for sex.

The rest of the car ride to the hotel was quiet. I laid on the bed a little tired and sleepy. Kat was in the next room in our suite. I needed all the control I could muster to stay away from her.

* * *

I satdown at the airport, waiting for Kat to come back. The convention ended a few hours ago. We had to fly back immediately because I had an early meeting the following day, but as I sat down, waiting for her, that plan seemed to be out the window.

The airport was full of people with delayed flights and canceled flights. There was a storm coming and all the flights had been canceled.

She came back to me, with hips swinging. She was all I could see, despite all that was happening in the room.

"Mr. Harvey, I'm sorry, but there is nothing that they can do. They really advise against flying over the course of the next twelve hours," she replied.

I sighed. I knew that there was barely any exception that they would make. The meeting I had tomorrow I can postpone, but I didn't want to spend an extra day with her. It was almost too much to bear.

Every time I heard her shower running these past few nights, I couldn't hold back the thoughts, knowing she was naked and wet.

Even as the thoughts filtered through my mind again, the desire tagged along heavily.

"That's fine. Let's find a place to sleep for the night." I stood up. We headed out of the airport together.

* * *

The searchfor a hotel was harder than we envisaged. Because of all the canceled flights, the hotels were fully booked.

After about three hours, we stood in front of a hotel room. It was the only one we could find, and it was not to my taste, but more than that, it was the only room left with just one bed.

There must be someone testing my patience and restraint out there in the universe, because left for that, I could not wrap my head around the sequence of the events that led us here.

I walked in behind the hotel staff and looked around the room. The wallpaper was hideous. Apart from that, I couldn't find anything wrong with the room. It was nothing compared to where I was coming from, but for the night, I would survive.

"Are you good? Do you need anything?" Kat asked me.