His words sent a chill down my spine, but I refused to let fear consume me. I had to find a way to survive, to escape the clutches of this monster. My mind raced, searching for any semblance of a plan, while my body remained trapped within the confines of his twisted game. I thought about George and Lily.
George would have been worried sick about me. I regretted leaving his house when he wasn’t there. I really didn’t know how low Darius was willing to go and now that I knew, I felt shivers run down my spine in a very cold way.
I needed to get out of here and fast.
The dimly lit bar provided a sense of solace as Marcus and I huddled in a quiet corner booth. Anxiety clenched at my chest, my mind burdened with the distressing news about my daughter and just how far Darius had gone. Taking a deep breath, I turned to Marcus, my best friend, knowing he would lend a sympathetic ear.
"Marcus, I don't know where to begin," I confessed, my voice laced with frustration. "Darius has gone too far. He told Lily that I'm dating Kat. It's tearing our family apart."
Marcus furrowed his brow, a mixture of concern and anger reflecting in his eyes. "George, that's despicable. I mean, I know Darius has always been a snake but this is going too far.”
I scoffed as Marcus gave me a knowing look. “But there's more, isn't there? What else has Darius done?"
I hesitated, the weight of the truth pressing upon me. "You won't believe this, Marcus. Darius sexually came on to Kat when she worked for him. It's an outrage, and it makes me sick to my stomach."
Marcus' jaw clenched, his fists tightening. "I can't even begin to fathom the audacity of that man," he seethed. "This goes far beyond rivalry. It's an abuse of power."
Nodding, I struggled to keep my emotions in check. "Exactly, Marcus we can't let Darius get away with this. Kat deserves justice. We need to take action."
Leaning closer, Marcus' gaze bore into mine. "George, we have to ensure Darius faces the consequences of his actions. But we must approach this carefully and protect Lily and Kat in the process."
I nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "You're right. We need to gather evidence, irrefutable proof of Darius' misconduct. It's the only way to expose his true nature."
Marcus leaned back, his expression pensive yet resolved. "Let's start by talking to Lily and Kat separately. We need their accounts of what happened and any evidence they might have. It's crucial to have a strong case."
As I listened to Marcus, his words resonated with me. We had to handle this situation with utmost care, avoiding generic words and repetitive sentences. Our goal was not only to seek justice but also to provide support to Lily and Kat during this challenging time.
The ambiance of the bar faded into the background as we continued our conversation, meticulously outlining our plan. Every detail mattered, and our words were purposeful, avoiding any ambiguity or colloquial phrases.
As the night wore on, our plan took shape, a polished strategy to bring Darius to account while shielding Lily and Kat from further harm. With a sense of grim determination, I motioned for the bartender, preparing to face the daunting road ahead.
"Marcus," I declared my voice resolute, "I think we are good to go. Darius won’t know what’s coming for him and he will get what he deserves.”
“Exactly I cannot believe he actually had the nerve to try to blackmail Kat with a picture of the two of you,” Marcus said.
“I will definitely not back down from this fight and I’ll make sure Darius pays for trying to tear my family apart. I will fight for justice. Darius' actions won't go unpunished. We'll stand by Lily and Kat, and we'll make sure he faces the consequences."
Marcus rose from the booth, his eyes ablaze with unwavering support. "Together, George, we'll protect those we care about. Darius won't know what hit him. We'll expose the truth and ensure he can never harm anyone else."
Marcus sighed. “I cannot even begin to imagine if he has tried this same thing with other women who have worked for him.”
I leaned closer to Marcus as soon as he said that. He might be onto something.
“What if we also tried to gather evidence from ladies who have worked in the same position as Kat did when she worked for Darius? I don’t believe this is his first time,” I stated and Marcus nodded.
“You are absolutely right. We can do that too and it would make our case stronger,” Marcus agreed.
* * *
I stumbledthrough the front door, the weariness of the night's events weighing heavily on my shoulders. Thankfully, the conversation I had with Marcus at the bar had been able to navigate me towards the next step.
Darius would pay for everything he’s done so far and I would definitely have the last laugh.
The bar and conversation with Marcus had offered little solace, its dimly lit atmosphere mirroring the turmoil swirling within me. As I stepped into the stillness of my house, the first thing I noticed was how quiet it was. Lily was still locked up in the guest room after finding out about Kat and me. I knew my daughter and I was sure that she would come around sooner or later. I walked to the guest room and knocked on the door.