Page 23 of My Single Dad SEAL

"You are funny, Kat. I'll give that to you."

My hand came up to his face, to run my hand across the day old stubble that he had. He always smelled so good. I wanted to bring my nose to his neck to nuzzle it, to get a fill of his scent.

His hand grabbed mine again, to stop the stroking motion I was doing. I raised my gaze from his neck to his eyes. The passion, the want, the hunger was there and he didn't try to hide it. His look held promises of the things he could do to me if he wanted, then he spoke. "Go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

He let go of me and walked back to the couch.

"Good night, Mr. Harvey."

"George! Call me George, Kat. You did a second ago."

I nodded. "Goodnight, George."

"Sleep tight, honey. Thanks for the massage."

"You are welcome."

I tucked myself into bed and tried desperately to calm my body down so that I could get some shut eye.

It was a hard task, but I eventually did, falling into the comforting darkness of sleep.



Coming back from the business trip, I had the weekend to myself. George gave me the rest of the week off and it was really relaxing. I decided to engage myself in some self-care that was long overdue. It was also good for me because I didn't have to show up to work and see him, look at him, work with him or be close to him.

He had been on my mind since the night at the hotel. That was a tough night, but I managed to get through.

My mind was on his voice, his lips, and his hands. He was consuming my thoughts, making me think things that I shouldn't. I wanted him with all of me and it was more than just my body.

At first I thought that what I felt for him was simply physical attraction and nothing more, that I wouldn't mind him taking me to bed and that was it, but I realized that it was more.

It was a realization that slowly crept in on me. I realized that I wanted to get to know him. I wanted to know him beyond the confines of our office. I wanted to know him beyond the image that he puts out there for people, because I have seen the way that we related with the ones that he truly cared about, the way that he related with Lily and it was really different.

Seeing the man that was revered by everyone ready to risk it all for his daughter was lovely, and there was a part of me that was jealous, not because I was jealous of Lily but I was jealous of the fact that he doesn't want to risk it all for me.

I wanted to mean something to him. I wanted him to love me. I wanted to grow to love him as well and wanted to know more about his likes and dislikes. I wanted to know what ticks him off or excites him.

I wanted to know about his experiences. I wanted us to have moments together, but there's a part of me that was afraid of that, because I might be the only one who wants that. George didn’t and wouldn't want that kind of relationship. It was just the physical attraction for him and that was it.

I had heard about his history with women. I did look him up after getting the job with him because I wanted to know the kind of man that I'd be working for. He was not known to commit to anyone.

I was not in a stage in my life where I wouldn't want commitment. I wanted to wake up in someone's arms, knowing that the person has affection for me and I'm afraid that George didn’t have any of that affection to give.

Tired of the frustration that I was feeling and the fact that I was just wallowing in my thoughts and my neediness for a man that I shouldn't, I threw on sweatpants and a sweatshirt, packing my hair up in a bun. I decided to head to the grocery store. It was that time of the month where I would need to stock up on a few things. What better time to do it than the free time that I had?

I walked to the grocery store because I needed to clear my head and I needed the breath of fresh air. With my earplugs listening to music, I pushed the cart down the aisle getting the items that I needed one after the other, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I ripped out my earpiece, turning around only to see the last face I expected. The last person that I wanted to see, the person that makes my insides twist, that makes anger well up inside of me like no other, as well as fear.

Darius Kane.

The one person I despise with all the fiber of my being. I ran my eyes over him. He was dressed in a suit, as always. Was he on his way to work? Or on his way back from work? I wondered.

Who wears a suit on a Saturday? I know a psycho like Darius.

"I knew that was you. I would recognize you anywhere. How are you? How’ve you been?" he asked me with a smile, that weird smile of his that if you stare at long enough it stopped looking like a smile and more like a crazy grin.