I forced my mouth to close back up. My jaw had fallen open when he was talking. How he went from being civil and a gentleman to saying that he wants to put his hands on me threw me off balance.
This man was too sexy for his own good. He knew what he wanted and didn't beat around the bush.
I headed to the bathroom to take a long shower. When I came out, he was having dinner already, working on his laptop.
Did he ever take a break? Working with him made me realize how relentless he could be in pursuit of what he wanted. He hardly ever took a break, worked like he had never seen a dollar in his life, but he didn’t play as hard.
People who work hard usually play just as hard, but not George.
My curiosity about him piqued as I watched him work while I ate my dinner. All I could think about was him. I could barely take my eyes off of him.
As he worked and as I stared, I watched him favor his right shoulder. He kept rubbing it, massaging and rolling his arm like he did when he came out of the shower. They were actions that I could not miss, neither could I ignore.
Then an idea crossed my mind, an idea that shouldn't, an idea that could get me in trouble, but I was worried about him, if he was okay.
I wanted to offer him a massage. I wanted to make sure he was fine. Although, my reasons weren't entirely pure, I wanted to make sure he was alright, but I also wanted to massage him for selfish reasons.
I wanted to touch him, feel the smoothness of his skin under my hands again like I did that day in his room. Ever since then, my hand has been itching to touch him again. I might be crazy, but I could still feel the silkiness of his warm flesh when I closed my eyes and concentrated.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
He looked up at me with a cocked brow. "Whatever do you mean?"
That sounded so ancient and so hot at the same time, the difference in our age coming to play.
"Your shoulder, is it okay?"
"Yes," he replied. "I mean, not really. I didn't know you noticed. That threw me off a little bit."
"Of course I did. Do you want a massage? I worked in a spa for a while, I know a little about tense shoulders." I bit my bottom lip, fiddling with my fingers.
Now that I said it, now that it was out there, I was shy. I was even more worried about what would happen if he said no.
I hope that he didn’t think that I was coming on to him.
"I don't doubt that you do." He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms. He stared at me with his head slightly tilted back, an action that I have now come to enjoy.
It always made him look confident, strong and enticing when he looked down at me or anyone like that. He didn't do it in a condescending way, no. He did it with the poise of a man that knew the power he possessed and how to wield it to get him what he wanted.
George, the man had an aura that filled up a room, and a personality and presence that could make anything look and sound good. He could be dressed in rags and women would still fall all over him. I would fall over him as well. He could say the darndest thing and get away with it, ‘cause he would say it in such a way that it sounded so good to the ear.
"I am just trying to assess the situation and your offer."
"You don't have to take it if you don't want to," I replied to him. I spoke a little too quickly, my nervousness plain as day.
"You are mistaken. I am not saying that I don't want you to. I am just wondering if I have the strength to not touch you afterwards."
I let out a rough exhale at his words, desire running through my spine.
"Well for me, it has nothing to do with attraction."
"You sure are a terrible liar." He stood up from the couch and walked over to the bed. He bent down to look at me before sitting his large form on the bed. "Get to it then. Don't offer me something you don't plan to make do on."
I nodded my head, and got off the bed to grab my body oil.
"We will have to make due with what we have. I know that jasmine may not be your go to, but that's what I have," I informed him as I walked back into the room and got behind him on the bed, avoiding his eyes as much as I could.
I squeezed some oil into my hand and tried to warm it up between my palms before placing my hands on his shoulder and getting to work.