Page 20 of My Single Dad SEAL

She looked tired already. She worked so hard over the past few days that she surprised and impressed me.

"No, Kat. Take care of yourself. You can have the bed. I'll take a shower first."

"No, you don't have to. I am perfectly fine on the couch. I am smaller and I don't think that couch would be able to hold all of you."

She was right. I couldn't see myself sleeping on the couch without my legs hanging off the edge.

"There are only two options. You either sleep on the bed willfully, or I make you."

"That would make me very uncomfortable. I am already uneasy as it is."

"Why? Do you think that I will jump you?"

"No, that's not it. Like you mentioned a few days ago, I am attracted to you as well."

"Don't worry, I have more self-control than you give me credit for."

If only she knew the battle I have had to fight in the past to stay away from her.

I picked up my bag and went into the bathroom, not looking back, my hand tightening on the handle of the case so I didn’t turn back and grab her into the bathroom with me.



Iwatched him disappear into the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief when the door closed behind him.

How can a man have that much of an intense effect on me? My entire body came alive and sung when he was next to me. Just being in the same room as him made me yearn for him to touch me, to hold me, to kiss me, and even worse, to make love to me.

He was my best friend's father. I must never forget that. The only thing was that the more I thought about it, the less I cared.

My thoughts wander to the naked man in the shower, images of that day in his bedroom flashing again in my memory, causing me to let out a low groan.

I have never been one that was ruled by my physical needs, but I wanted to listen to my body and dirty mind that suggested that I go into that bathroom with him.

He already stated that he was attracted to me. I knew for a fact that he was not going to say no.

My job was a blessing and a curse at the same time. I knew that wanting Penelope back as soon as possible to relieve me of the pressure of my attraction to George was self-sabotage, but I couldn’t help it.

I looked at the sofa in the room again. He was definitely not going to sleep well if he slept there.

Would I sound desperate asking him to share the bed with me? It was a bad idea, I know, but this was a room that he was paying for with his money, he was the boss, and he should be top priority, no doubt.

He walked out of the bathroom with damp hair and pajama pants.

I couldn’t tell if he was shirtless intentionally, or that's just a thing with him.

He must have read my thoughts. "This is more than enough clothing, sweetheart. I usually go to bed wearing less. I am trying to respect the fact that you are a woman."

I nodded my head, trying not to get distracted by his muscular body or the way his chest twitched. He rolled his shoulders; I assume trying to release some tension.

"I was thinking that we can share the bed together. It's big enough for the both of us. I think you would be very uncomfortable on the couch."

He went silent; his gaze shuffling between the bed and me, his jaw twitching as he visibly grounded his teeth together.

"I think after a long day like this, you should be comfortable," I spoke again, feeling awkward at the level of silence in the room.

"Me and you, together on that bed, is not a good idea, Katrina. If I get on that bed with you, even if I don't fuck you, I will touch you, and I won't stop till you cum for me. You are walking on thin ice. Don't push your luck." He didn't look at me as he walked to the couch to sit.